The Education of Henry Adams Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Education of Henry Adams Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The dictionary says that inertia is a property of what?
(a) Matter.
(b) Movement.
(c) Space.
(d) Time.

2. In the beginning of Chapter 31, how does Henry Adams say he feels?
(a) Ignorant.
(b) Informed.
(c) Frightened.
(d) Beloved.

3. In "The Grammar of Science", how does Henry Adams focus his exploration into how to look at the world?
(a) Mystically.
(b) Scientifically.
(c) Metaphyscially.
(d) Psychologically.

4. When traveling with Mrs. Lodge, what does Henry Adams decide to label himself as?
(a) A Liberal Catholic Anarchist.
(b) A Conservative Christian Anarchist.
(c) A Conservate Catholic Anarchist.
(d) A Liberal Christian Anarchist.

5. In 1894, where did King induce Henry Adams to visit?
(a) China.
(b) Spain.
(c) Cuba.
(d) Florida.

6. Henry Adams says that even though he has looked at art in Art Museums he doesn't know what?
(a) How to make his own art.
(b) How to buy art as an investment.
(c) How to analyze art.
(d) How to look at art exhibits in 1900.

7. What did Langley teach Adams?
(a) About motors.
(b) About steam power.
(c) About art.
(d) About math.

8. In Henry Adams' dynamic theory of history, what is accomplished?
(a) Revolutions and progress.
(b) Work and progress.
(c) New forces and innovations.
(d) Inertia and movement.

9. How does Hay primarily use his power as Secretary of State?
(a) Creating treaties and alliances.
(b) Pushing for war.
(c) Taking vacations overseas.
(d) Petitioning for new laws and regulations.

10. What does Henry Adams say Stockholm is pressed by?
(a) Rocks and Russia.
(b) Northern ice and Russia.
(c) Glaciers and debt.
(d) Cold and Germans.

11. In "Silence", when does Henry Adams leave Washington, DC?
(a) When the housing prices rise.
(b) When he runs out of work.
(c) When McKinley becomes president.
(d) When Clarence King fails.

12. Henry Adams says that as things become more complex, they need what?
(a) A simple representation.
(b) A larger synthesis.
(c) An end.
(d) A wider evaluation.

13. Where does Henry Adams travel in "The Abyss of Ignorance"?
(a) Russia.
(b) Paris.
(c) California.
(d) London.

14. In "The Height of Knowledge", what happens to President McKinley?
(a) He loses the election.
(b) He is re-elected.
(c) He is assassinated.
(d) He resigns.

15. In "A Law of Acceleration", what does Henry Adams say is the ultimate object of science?
(a) Thought.
(b) Acceleration.
(c) Motion.
(d) Matter.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is Henry Adams in "Indian Summer"?

2. Who replaced their minister in London in "Vis Inertiae"?

3. Who is the author of "The Grammar of Science"?

4. What country seems able to "roll over" Hay?

5. What does Henry Adams think Russia could do because of its size?

(see the answer keys)

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