The Education of Henry Adams Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Education of Henry Adams Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Twilight", what does Henry Adams study?
(a) Geography.
(b) Gravity.
(c) Magnetism.
(d) Religion.

2. What did Henry Adams see the dynamo as a symbol of?
(a) Power.
(b) Force.
(c) Infinity.
(d) Charge.

3. Who is the author of "The Grammar of Science"?
(a) Pearson.
(b) Adams.
(c) Hay.
(d) Stallo.

4. What does Henry Adams say 19th century society measured their progress by?
(a) Housing development.
(b) Coal output.
(c) Steam use.
(d) Artistic creations.

5. What does Henry Adams compare the passing of centuries to in "Vis Nova"?
(a) Snow falling.
(b) Flowers wilting.
(c) Autumn leaves dropping.
(d) The tide rising and falling.

6. How does Henry Adams describe "The Woman" in America?
(a) Revered.
(b) Questioned.
(c) Supreme.
(d) Unknown.

7. Henry Adams says that as things become more complex, they need what?
(a) A larger synthesis.
(b) A simple representation.
(c) A wider evaluation.
(d) An end.

8. What does Henry Adams say Americans in the year 2000 would know how to do?
(a) Read scientific theories.
(b) Fly planes.
(c) Unify complex thought.
(d) Control unlimited power.

9. The dictionary says that inertia is a property of what?
(a) Space.
(b) Time.
(c) Matter.
(d) Movement.

10. What does Henry Adams have in common with his friend, Hay?
(a) They both wrote about American history.
(b) They both lost all their money.
(c) They both fought in only one war.
(d) They both ran for political office.

11. What theory does Henry Adams begin to develop?
(a) Theory of inerta.
(b) Theory of movement.
(c) Theory of force.
(d) Theory of gravity.

12. What is the Fortieth Parallel Survey?
(a) A historical survey.
(b) An opinon survey.
(c) A geological survey.
(d) A census.

13. Who kept Henry Adams in contact with society?
(a) McKinley.
(b) Wenlock Abbey.
(c) Mrs. Cabot Lodge.
(d) Clarence King.

14. Henry Adams predicts that if science keeps doubling its complexities, what will succumb?
(a) Sociology.
(b) Humans.
(c) Literature.
(d) Mathematics.

15. When Henry Adams travels to Beyreuth, what has changed?
(a) The languages people speak.
(b) The pollution.
(c) The train.
(d) The romanticism.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "A Dynamic Theory of History", Henry Adams says that in the past man was attracted to what energy and force?

2. What century does Henry Adams consider using to measure his own time in history?

3. In "Indian Summer", what country becomes allies with the United States in the war?

4. In the beginning of Chapter 31, how does Henry Adams say he feels?

5. What does Henry Adams think Russia could do because of its size?

(see the answer keys)

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