The Education of Henry Adams Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Education of Henry Adams Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Henry Adams and his sister travel as soon as the armistice is declared?
(a) Italy.
(b) France.
(c) Russia.
(d) Switzerland.

2. In "Free Fight", why did the Executive Branch attack the Supreme Court?
(a) Term Limits.
(b) Gold Standard.
(c) Legal Tender.
(d) Frank Waller.

3. Why does Henry Adams feel that study of the Law is closed to him?
(a) Because his grandfather was a bad lawyer.
(b) Because he does not respect the law.
(c) Because of his lack of knowledge of law.
(d) Because of his time spent in diplomacy.

4. In "President Grant", what former president do people compare Grant to?
(a) John Quincey Adams.
(b) George Washington.
(c) John Adams.
(d) Abraham Lincoln.

5. After returning from Europe, how does Henry Adams see the people of Washington, DC?
(a) Everyone seems to be anti-slavery.
(b) Everyone seems changed.
(c) Everyone seems confused.
(d) Everyone seems ignorant.

6. What did the Free Soil Party get from the Democrats when a Democrat became governor of Massachusetts?
(a) Five hundred dollars.
(b) A position in the Massachusetts courts.
(c) They got kicked out of Massachusetts.
(d) A Senate seat.

7. What new age does Henry Adams find when he returns to the United States in "The Press"?
(a) An age ruled by scientific reason.
(b) An age powered by steam and coal.
(c) An age of chaos.
(d) An age governed by God.

8. Why were Confederate cruisers able to escape British waters?
(a) Because Lord Russell told them to.
(b) Because Lord Russell delayed action.
(c) Because C.F. Adams made a mistake.
(d) Because C.F. Adams distracted the guards.

9. What is revealed after Russell passes away?
(a) His attempts to get the South back into the Union.
(b) How trustworthy he really was.
(c) His ferver for trying to break up the United States.
(d) His many mistresses.

10. How did Henry Adams describe his response to invitations to formal dinners in "The Perfection of Human Society"?
(a) He saved them.
(b) He looked forward to them.
(c) He dreaded them.
(d) He returned them.

11. In "Political Morality", what position is Henry Adams almost promoted to?
(a) Assistant Secretary.
(b) Speaker of the Legation.
(c) Head of the Legation.
(d) Associate Secretary.

12. Near the end of Chapter 5, "Berlin", what does Henry Adams suddenly starts to understand?
(a) His Harvard education.
(b) German.
(c) Beethoven.
(d) Communism.

13. Trying to stop the English constructed rams is called what type of battle in "The Battle of the Rams"?
(a) A diplomatic battle.
(b) The only battle.
(c) A silent battle.
(d) A military battle.

14. How does Henry Adams feel about natural selection?
(a) He thinks it needs more research.
(b) He thinks it's nothing compared to unnatural selection.
(c) He thinks it is a good replacement for God.
(d) He thinks it can never replace God.

15. At the end of "Chaos", what will Henry Adams position at North American Review be?
(a) Editor-in-Chief.
(b) Staff writer.
(c) Editor-at-Large.
(d) Publisher.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Henry Adams interact with the elite society in "Foes and Friends"?

2. Why do Henry Adams and his friends attend Harvard?

3. Who does Henry Adams write a few articles for?

4. What did Henry Adams' father's political party have to do to gain power?

5. What turned the Civil War in favor of the Union?

(see the answer keys)

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