The Education of Little Tree Test | Final Test - Medium

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Education of Little Tree Test | Final Test - Medium

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who plays the most significant role in getting Little Tree back from the orphanage, thereby demonstrating the deep bond between them?
(a) Granpa.
(b) Willow John.
(c) Granma.
(d) Pine Billy.

2. In what way do the events in Chapter 18 represent a major turning point in the novel?
(a) It starts the legal battle between the state and Granpa for Little Tree.
(b) It is the beginning of Little Tree's life as a teenager.
(c) It begins the situation that turns Little Tree against his grandparents.
(d) It sets in motion a series of events that will bring an end to Little Tree's life with his grandparents.

3. How does the author establish Granma's resourcefulness in Chapter 12?
(a) She hurries Little Tree and Granpa to the cabin where she quickly finds remedies.
(b) She sends Little Tree to the neighboring cabin to get help.
(c) She quickly takes charge of the situation and does everything that's necessary to make things right.
(d) She uses a Cherokee cry to alert other mountain people to the problem.

4. According to Mr. Jenkins, who are the two men from Chattanooga and why are they looking for Granpa?
(a) Mr. Slick and Mr. Chunk are big city men in the whiskey trade and want to put Granpa to work on a big still.
(b) Mr. Slick and Mr. Chunk are big city men who want to buy land from Granpa.
(c) Mr. Slick and Mr. Chunk are big city men who have come to investigate Little Tree's upbringing.
(d) Mr. Slick and Mr. Chunk are big city men who want to buy crops from Granpa.

5. Why is Wilburn, the boy at the orphanage, as much of an outcast as Little Tree is?
(a) He is Mexican.
(b) His clubfoot makes him different from the other children.
(c) He is African-American.
(d) He is Jewish.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Little Tree believe that the incident in which he gets into trouble with the teacher eventually leads to Granpa coming for him?

2. What dangerous adventure gives Chapter 12 its title?

3. How do religious and cultural beliefs cause Little Tree and the sharecropper's daughter to act negatively towards each other?

4. Why does Willow John leave a long knife in church?

5. How does Little Tree describe the effect of returning to his secret place in Chapter 20?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the early symbols in Chapter 20 of Little Tree's excitement that he is home from the orphanage?

2. Write a short character sketch of Mr. Wine and summarize his role in the story.

3. What purpose does Willow John serve in the novel?

4. Identify two specific lessons that Little Tree learns from his family and that are reinforced by Mr. Wine.

5. In what ways does the author communicate to the reader the growing fear and grief experienced by Granpa, Granma and Little Tree at the prospect of their separation?

6. How do Granpa and Little Tree continue to make sure that as much as possible is learned from Little's Tree loss in the calf purchase?

7. How does the description of the incident with Mr. Slick and Mr. Chunk demonstrate the author's ability to use humor?

8. What are the main purposes served by the incident in which Granpa is bitten by the rattlesnake?

9. What examples of prejudice and misunderstanding does Little Tree encounter at the orphanage?

10. Give a brief summary of the events related by Granpa that lead to Little Tree's return from the orphanage.

(see the answer keys)

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