The Education of Little Tree Test | Final Test - Easy

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Education of Little Tree Test | Final Test - Easy

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In regard to leaving the orphanage, how does Granpa reveal that he wants Little Tree to continue learning to make his own decisions?
(a) Granpa sends Pine Billy to the orphanage to find out if Little Tree wants to go home.
(b) Granpa tells the reverend to call Little Tree, and they ask him if he wants to go home.
(c) Granpa tells Granma to write a letter that Pine Billy takes to Little Tree asking if he wants to go home.
(d) Granpa goes to the gate of the orphanage and lets Little Tree decide whether to go home with him.

2. What weekly event puts Little Tree and his family in the company of Willow John?
(a) On the way from the settlement every Saturday, they drop off supplies for Willow John.
(b) On the way from church every Sunday, they pick up Willow John to go to the cabin for lunch.
(c) On the way to church every Sunday, they stop to visit Willow John.
(d) On the way from the settlement every Saturday, they pick up Willow John to go home with them.

3. According to Granpa's story about the farm, who was in charge of the land when Granpa was growing up?
(a) The land was occupied by Union soldiers and run by politicians.
(b) Granpa's family had the run of the land.
(c) The Cherokees were in charge of the land.
(d) The Confederates were in charge of the land.

4. How does Little Tree's love and appreciation of nature help him overcome the isolation of the orphanage?
(a) He makes friends with frogs and crickets.
(b) From his window, he watches the moon and the sun.
(c) He gets companionship from the dogs.
(d) He gets companionship from the wind, the trees and the Dog Star.

5. How does the reverend at the orphanage continue the prejudice that Little Tree has suffered throughout his life?
(a) He makes Little Tree wear a shirt with "Outcast" written across the back.
(b) He calls him a terrible name and says he doesn't have to go to church because people like him cannot be saved.
(c) He gives Little Tree special clothing that will set him apart from the other children.
(d) He assigns Little Tree to a cot in the basement.

6. Why is Wilburn, the boy at the orphanage, as much of an outcast as Little Tree is?
(a) He is African-American.
(b) He is Jewish.
(c) His clubfoot makes him different from the other children.
(d) He is Mexican.

7. How does the author establish Granma's resourcefulness in Chapter 12?
(a) She uses a Cherokee cry to alert other mountain people to the problem.
(b) She hurries Little Tree and Granpa to the cabin where she quickly finds remedies.
(c) She sends Little Tree to the neighboring cabin to get help.
(d) She quickly takes charge of the situation and does everything that's necessary to make things right.

8. The author implies there is a special bond between Willow John and Little Tree, despite the difference in their ages. What is the cause of this bond?
(a) Both have suffered the loss of their parents.
(b) Both have a great sense of humor.
(c) Both are outsiders who don't quite belong in the world they occupy.
(d) Both have suffered from having to adjust to moving to the mountain area.

9. How does Little Tree create a disturbance in church?
(a) He gives Willow John a nickel and a bullfrog that starts a loud croaking in church.
(b) He comes in late and falls over in the aisle.
(c) He gives Willow John a harmless snake which jumps on a lady who screams out in church.
(d) He gives Willow John a whistle and he tries it out in church.

10. What is the special symbolism of the chapter title "Down From the mountain"?
(a) It symbolizes the destruction of the mountain trail.
(b) It symbolizes Mr. Wine's last trip to the cabin.
(c) It symbolizes the end of Little Tree's adventures on the mountain when he must come down to the reality of separation from his family.
(d) It symbolizes Granpa's last trip to the mountain trail.

11. How do religious and cultural beliefs cause Little Tree and the sharecropper's daughter to act negatively towards each other?
(a) Little Tree has been taught to distrust Christians, while the girl has been taught that Indians are lazy heathen savages.
(b) They dislike each other because they have different beliefs.
(c) Their beliefs cause them to remain on separate sides of the square at the settlement.
(d) Their beliefs cause them to avoid speaking to each other.

12. Which of the following is the best alternate title for Chapter 14?
(a) .Little Tree Defends His Mountain.
(b) City Slickers Outwit Mountain Dwellers.
(c) The Men from Chattanooga.
(d) Granma's Special Brew.

13. In Chapter 15, how does Granma reassure Little Tree that his birth time is special and he will never be alone?
(a) She tells him he was born in Summer and the sun will always be his companion.
(b) She explains that his birth time makes Summer his season and his company will always be the trees, birds, rain, and water that love him.
(c) She tells him he was born in the Spring so he will always have nature bursting out to keep his company.
(d) She tells him he was born in the Spring and the bees buzzing around the new flowers will be his company.

14. What do Little Tree and the sharecropper's daughter have in common?
(a) Both are being deprived of education.
(b) Both are exposed to the challenges of being young in an adult world.
(c) Both are poor.
(d) Both live off the land and have a strong sense of pride.

15. What dangerous adventure gives Chapter 12 its title?
(a) Granpa is bitten by a bear.
(b) Granpa is bitten by a rattlesnake from which he rescues Little Tree.
(c) Little Tree is bitten by a bear.
(d) Little Tree is bitten by a rattlesnake.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the news heard in Chapter 11, what is causing people in New York to die?

2. In Chapter 12, how does the author demonstrate Granpa's respect for the animals?

3. How do the events in Chapter 12 demonstrate the importance of Granma's knowledge of plants and herbs?

4. What important part does Mr. Wine play in the education of Little Tree?

5. Referring to people who like to take and give handouts, what similarity does Granpa describe between some people and some countries?

(see the answer keys)

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