The Education of Little Tree Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Education of Little Tree Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 20, "Home Again".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Little Tree especially proud of in Chapter 9?
(a) That he is helping to take care of Granpa and Granma.
(b) That he owns fifty percent of the stake in the whiskey business.
(c) That he can contribute to making his own living.
(d) That he knows how to calculate the money from the whiskey.

2. How does Little Tree's love and appreciation of nature help him overcome the isolation of the orphanage?
(a) He gets companionship from the wind, the trees and the Dog Star.
(b) He gets companionship from the dogs.
(c) From his window, he watches the moon and the sun.
(d) He makes friends with frogs and crickets.

3. What is the first thing that Little Tree does on the trail when he is going home from the orphanage?
(a) He runs to his secret place.
(b) He runs to The Narrows.
(c) He puts on his moccasins.
(d) He takes off his shoes so he can feel the trail.

4. What weekly event puts Little Tree and his family in the company of Willow John?
(a) On the way from the settlement every Saturday, they pick up Willow John to go home with them.
(b) On the way from the settlement every Saturday, they drop off supplies for Willow John.
(c) On the way from church every Sunday, they pick up Willow John to go to the cabin for lunch.
(d) On the way to church every Sunday, they stop to visit Willow John.

5. How does Granpa dispose of the whiskey he makes?
(a) He gives away half and sells half.
(b) He sells most of it, keeps some, and gives away the rest.
(c) He keeps most of it and sells the rest to the store.
(d) He sells nine gallons to a store and keeps two gallons for use at home.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the incident with the two men from Chattanooga, how does Little Tree demonstrate that he is becoming clever and less trusting?

2. Why does Granpa want Little Tree to learn his trade when he is only six-years-old?

3. Why doesn't Granma scold Little Tree for getting wet in the woods?

4. At the beginning of the novel, how is Little Tree taken to his new home?

5. In regard to leaving the orphanage, how does Granpa reveal that he wants Little Tree to continue learning to make his own decisions?

(see the answer key)

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