Educating Esme: Diary of a Teacher's First Year Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Esmé Raji Codell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Educating Esme: Diary of a Teacher's First Year Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Esmé Raji Codell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose mother complains about Codell insisting on buying dictionaries for the children?
(a) Asha.
(b) Shira.
(c) Vanessa.
(d) Twanette.

2. How does Codell respond to Billy Williams when the boy claims that he hates her?
(a) "I'm not crazy about you either, kid, but we have to find a way to stand one another."
(b) "No matter how you feel about me, I will always love you."
(c) "Every time you say that, you hurt my heart and make me sad."
(d) "Every time you say you hate me, I'm going to give you an extra homework problem."

3. On the first day of school, how does Codell determine where the students will sit?
(a) Codell has the students choose numbered seating assignments from a hat.
(b) Students can choose their own seats on a first-come, first-served basis.
(c) Students take turns picking numbered apples from a bulletin board.
(d) Students are seated in a large circle so everyone is equal.

4. Which of the following best describes the attitude of the speaker in Codell's poem "The Custodian's Thoughts"?
(a) Cranky and vindictive.
(b) Giddy at the prospect of another day on the job.
(c) Depressed from a recent death at the school.
(d) Confused, because he has lost his way in the school's basement.

5. How many new teachers are introduced prior to the school's opening in Part I?
(a) 5.
(b) 25.
(c) 12.
(d) 35.

6. What is the name of the mentor who inspired Codell to do her best as a teacher?
(a) Lillia.
(b) Ismene Siteles.
(c) Ms. Coil.
(d) Mr. Turner.

7. Why do Codell and Mr. Turner fail to secure any donations, according to the July 28th entry?
(a) They mistakenly try to approach businesses on a holiday when most are closed.
(b) Most of the businesses approached are poor, small, and highly unlikely donors.
(c) They are working off of an incorrect list of potential donors.
(d) Mr. Turner is rude to potential donors.

8. What does Codell tell Mr. Turner about why he did not receive her classroom's inaugural newsletter?
(a) She knew Mr. Turner would not appreciate the articles.
(b) She meant to provide him one, but she must have placed it in the wrong mail box.
(c) She put two newsletters in Ms. Coil's box, and assumed Ms. Coil would give Mr. Turner the extra one.
(d) She thought Mr. Turner would write her up for an unauthorized newsletter.

9. What does Codell find is particularly effective when it comes to teaching about Nazism?
(a) She compares Nazis to Ku Klux Klan members, giving the children a group they are more familiar with.
(b) She chooses a well-respected history book on the subject to read aloud with the class.
(c) She decides to skip the teaching of Nazis; her class is simply too young.
(d) She chooses to show a brief film clip of Hitler delivering a speech.

10. Who is the author of the book King Matt the First, which is chosen by Codell for read-aloud time?
(a) Lois Lowry.
(b) Randall Jareel.
(c) Janusz Korczak.
(d) Connie Porter.

11. Why does Mr. Turner object to the winner of the Addy doll during the November 5th assembly?
(a) The winner is Hispanic, and Mr. Turner believes that, since Addy is black, a black person should win.
(b) Mr. Turner believes the winner cheated in order to win the raffle.
(c) Mr. Turner does not believe the doll is appropriate in a school setting.
(d) The winner is a boy, and Mr. Turner doesn't believe boys should play with dolls.

12. According to Ms. Coil, how do teachers (besides Codell) react to her suggestions to improve the design of their classrooms?
(a) Teachers tell Ms. Coil, in different words, to get lost.
(b) Teachers usually tell Ms.Coil they are too busy to see her, in an effort to ignore her.
(c) Teachers usually make the suggested changes without any resistance.
(d) Teachers agree with the vast majority of suggestions Ms. Coil makes.

13. When interviewed for her first teaching job, how does Codell characterize her discipline style?
(a) Flexible.
(b) Proactive.
(c) Assertive.
(d) Aggressive.

14. What problem does Vanessa have in announcing the class' Christmas show?
(a) She struggles with a severe lisp.
(b) The announcement is too long, and she cannot memorize it.
(c) She consistently mispronounces a word in the announcement.
(d) She has extreme stage fright, and is too nervous to speak her lines.

15. Where does Codell take her students on January 20?
(a) Immmediately outside the school, to examine different types of trees.
(b) The university science fair.
(c) The history museum.
(d) Sulzer Regional Library.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Codell make her "time machine" out of?

2. What subject does the student Codell makes teacher for a day choose to make a lesson from?

3. Part I begins with a letter to potential fifth-graders written by whom?

4. Why do school administrators reject Codell's proposal for the Fairy Tale Festival?

5. What name does Codell choose for her students to call her?

(see the answer keys)

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