Edie, an American Biography Test | Final Test - Medium

Jean Stein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Edie, an American Biography Test | Final Test - Medium

Jean Stein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many more films did Edie shoot with Warhol after making Ciao! Manhattan?
(a) Four more.
(b) A dozen more.
(c) None.
(d) One more.

2. Why did Warhol and his superstars leave The Factory?
(a) Warhol moved into a bigger place.
(b) It was condemned.
(c) Warhol decided to move to Hollywood.
(d) There was a fire.

3. What does Jonathan Sedgwick liken his sister's appearance in 1966 to?
(a) A wilted flower.
(b) A corpse.
(c) An alien.
(d) A cherub.

4. After Edie joined Warhol's entourage, what would happen any time she attended an event or exhibition?
(a) A stalker followed her.
(b) She would receive job offers.
(c) Cameras followed her.
(d) She would receive phone numbers and gifts from admirers.

5. How is Bobby's Sedgwick's personality described in Chapter 14?
(a) Unpredictable.
(b) Easy-going.
(c) Stubborn.
(d) Boring.

Short Answer Questions

1. Getting a back room at which New York establishment is described as being akin to walking on water?

2. Which magazine did Edie pose for which brought her to the attention of the world?

3. As she settled in with Andy's entourage, what did people begin to question about Edie?

4. Which poet did one of Edie's friends think Edie should meet?

5. Where did the furniture in Warhol's 47th Street loft come from?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Bobby Sedgwick and his relationship with his father.

2. What does Gerard Malanga say about Warhol's films?

3. How was Edie received by the press?

4. Who did Edie stay with in New York after leaving Cambridge?

5. What was Alice Sedgwick's concern for her son Bobby?

6. What is said about Warhol's fear of intimacy?

7. Describe Warhol's New York loft, The Factory.

8. What was important for modeling in the 1960s?

9. How did Bobby Sedgwick die?

10. What was the "New York scene" like when Edie moved to New York?

(see the answer keys)

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