Edie, an American Biography Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jean Stein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Edie, an American Biography Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jean Stein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did Saucie think was the prettiest of her sisters?
(a) Pamela.
(b) Susanna.
(c) Edie.
(d) Katherine.

2. What sport did Francis insist his son Minty play?
(a) Football.
(b) Basketball.
(c) Baseball.
(d) Tennis.

3. In the 1950s, what became increasingly prevalent near the Sedgwick property?
(a) Oil wells.
(b) Commercial buildings.
(c) Hi-rise apartments.
(d) Wolves.

4. What did Edie avoid even though she enjoyed hanging around intellectuals?
(a) Newspapers.
(b) Classic literature.
(c) Coffee shops and libraries.
(d) Poetry.

5. Which of the following was a sign that life had changed for the Sedgwicks when they moved to their third home in California?
(a) Edie was given hand-me-downs to wear.
(b) Edie's parents were around less.
(c) There were more horses to ride.
(d) The butler served the family at the table.

6. What was the likely reason for Francis Sedgwick's rejection to join the military?
(a) Clubfoot.
(b) Poor eyesight.
(c) Bronchial asthma.
(d) Psychological imbalance.

7. In which European city did Edie and Francis have a fight in a hotel room?
(a) Madrid.
(b) London.
(c) Bordeaux.
(d) Vienna.

8. What was Francis Sedgwick well known for being obsessive about?
(a) His work.
(b) Cleanliness.
(c) Physical fitness.
(d) Money.

9. What were the group of gays Edie fell in with at Harvard referred to as?
(a) Dancing Queens.
(b) Nitroglycerin Queens.
(c) Harvard Homosexuals.
(d) Gay Guys.

10. In the 1930s, where was the Sedgwicks Long Island home located?
(a) Queens.
(b) Suffolk.
(c) Cold Spring Harbor.
(d) Brooklyn.

11. Who is the author of Edie: An American Biography?
(a) Edie Sedgwick.
(b) Jean Stein.
(c) Michael Post.
(d) Katharine Branson.

12. Who did Francis Minturn Sedgwick marry?
(a) Alice Vanderbilt.
(b) Alice Delano de Forest.
(c) Alice Hepburn.
(d) Alice Davenport.

13. What was Francis Minturn Junior's nickname?
(a) Franny.
(b) Junebug.
(c) Fran.
(d) Minty.

14. Who was Gabrielle Ladd?
(a) Edie's friend.
(b) The woman Babbo married.
(c) Edie's tutor.
(d) Alice's sister.

15. What is the location where Theodore Sedgwick is buried referred to as?
(a) The Sedgwick resting place.
(b) A Sedgwick pie.
(c) The Sedgwick plot.
(d) The Sedgwick circle.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 9, what secret do the Sedgwick children recall discovering about their father?

2. How did the Sedgwick children feel about California?

3. What reason is suggested for the large number of children Alice and Francis had together?

4. What was Edie Sedgwick's full first name?

5. While staying at Bloomingdale hospital, what did Edie do while out on a visitor's pass?

(see the answer keys)

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