Ecotopia: The Notebooks and Reports of William Weston Test | Final Test - Easy

Ernest Callenbach
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ecotopia: The Notebooks and Reports of William Weston Test | Final Test - Easy

Ernest Callenbach
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Weston feel about Ecotopian way of life as a whole?
(a) He is scared of it.
(b) He abhors it.
(c) He likes it.
(d) He is neutral about it.

2. What kinds of groups are favored by Ecotopian law?
(a) Private wealthy citizens.
(b) Big business.
(c) Small entrepreneurial.
(d) Autocratic ex-military.

3. What is often extended intentionally to workers in Ecotopia?
(a) Immigration.
(b) Unemployment.
(c) Lack of job training.
(d) Competitiveness.

4. Typically, how many patients does a nurse in Ecotopia have?
(a) 5 or 6.
(b) 1 or 2.
(c) 10 or 12.
(d) 3 or 4.

5. What is removed from tanks and used as fertilizer in Ecotopian homes?
(a) Sludge.
(b) Chloroform.
(c) Natural bromine.
(d) Methane gas.

6. What is much of the research based on that is done in Ecotopia?
(a) Mathematics and music.
(b) Psychics and astronomy.
(c) Ecology and philosophy.
(d) Biology and botany.

7. What kind of group organization do the children at the schools have, typically?
(a) By superiority of intellect.
(b) Tribal.
(c) By grade.
(d) By age.

8. How do the children arrive at the school that Weston visits in the minicity?
(a) By tram.
(b) By subway.
(c) On foot.
(d) By bus.

9. How do nurse shifts in Ecotopia compare to that of America?
(a) Non-existent.
(b) Longer.
(c) Shorter.
(d) Same.

10. What is NOT a popular artistic form in Ecotopia?
(a) Magic.
(b) Dancing.
(c) Sculpting.
(d) Writing.

11. By giving workers time off, what can Ecotopian workers do?
(a) Build their own military units.
(b) Fire their bosses.
(c) Build their own companies.
(d) Work on a project or enjoy leisure.

12. What is the kind of teacher that Weston sees at the school that surprises him by what he or she teaches the children?
(a) Psychology.
(b) Mechanics.
(c) English.
(d) Bird.

13. What is the clear liquid run-off that is produced from the bathrooms?
(a) Natural bromine.
(b) Natural bromine.
(c) Chloroform.
(d) Effluent.

14. What is the name of the area that black people choose to call their own in Ecotopia?
(a) Soul City.
(b) Tanzania.
(c) Razz Matazz.
(d) Harlem.

15. What kind of state system does Ecotopia have?
(a) Volatile.
(b) Stable.
(c) Cyclical.
(d) Reactionary.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Weston think about the land in Ecotopia?

2. How do the people, on average, in Ecotopia compare in health to Americans?

3. How do the black areas and Chinatown operate?

4. Who exerts control over doctors' financial ceilings in Ecotopia?

5. Who sometimes removes professors from college?

(see the answer keys)

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