Ecotopia: The Notebooks and Reports of William Weston Test | Final Test - Easy

Ernest Callenbach
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ecotopia: The Notebooks and Reports of William Weston Test | Final Test - Easy

Ernest Callenbach
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What shocks Weston about violent crime sentences in Ecotopia?
(a) Their severity.
(b) Their lightness.
(c) Their duration.
(d) Their brevity.

2. What are some methods of energy employed by Ecotopians?
(a) Coal mining.
(b) Solar panels.
(c) Electric vaults.
(d) Camel pushing.

3. What does Weston think about the food in Ecotopia?
(a) Less healthy than in America.
(b) Costlier than in America.
(c) Dirtier than in America.
(d) More plentiful than in America.

4. When the wealthy business owners were fleeing the country right after Independence, what was the Ecotopian government forced to do?
(a) Exile them permanently.
(b) Capture them.
(c) Take over those businesses.
(d) Barricade their borders.

5. What does Weston ask a politician about the Ecotopian government?
(a) If it is Communist.
(b) If it is elitist.
(c) If it is socialist.
(d) If it is powerful.

6. What training do Ecotopian health care professionals share with that of Americans?
(a) EMT.
(b) Standard medical practice.
(c) Pulmonary resuscitation.
(d) Heart attack treatment.

7. What do students in Ecotopia enjoy that American students of similar subjects often do not have?
(a) Ability to skip classes.
(b) Freedom to focus on experience.
(c) Ability to travel anywhere at whim.
(d) Ability to have multiple majors.

8. How big are Ecotopian prisons in general?
(a) 500 inmates.
(b) 10,000 inmates.
(c) 10-12 inmates.
(d) 1,000 inmates.

9. What is the language, in addition to English, spoken in the area occupied by mostly black people in Ecotopia?
(a) French.
(b) Spanish.
(c) Urdu.
(d) Swahili.

10. After Ecotopians shut down the system of oil and gas power plants, what did they set up instead?
(a) Coal, biothermal, and physical plants.
(b) Solar, wind, and nuclear fission plants.
(c) Nuclear fission, atomic fission, and geothermal plants.
(d) Geothermal, electric, and coal plants.

11. What does the government use several channels of television for in Ecotopia?
(a) Ordering hover craft.
(b) Selling drugs.
(c) Political programs.
(d) Advertising city work.

12. What does the politician describe the Ecotopian government as having that the American government lacks?
(a) Ecological priorities.
(b) Oil and gas funding.
(c) Socialized medicine.
(d) Great soccer coaching.

13. Where do Ecotopians conduct scientific research?
(a) Underground.
(b) Schools only.
(c) Colleges only.
(d) Small institutions.

14. What does Weston think about the air and water in Ecotopia?
(a) Dirtier than in America.
(b) Cheaper than in America.
(c) Costlier than in America.
(d) Cleaner than in America.

15. While one kind of print lasts indefinitely, what is the other kind of print employed in Ecotopia?
(a) One that appears only on night billboards.
(b) One that fades and can be recycled.
(c) One that glows and appears on voice command.
(d) One that is detected by the retina.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of work do prisoners in Ecotopia do?

2. How do nurse shifts in Ecotopia compare to that of America?

3. What is removed from tanks and used as fertilizer in Ecotopian homes?

4. How do the black areas and Chinatown operate?

5. How do the children arrive at the school that Weston visits in the minicity?

(see the answer keys)

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