Ecology of a Cracker Childhood Test | Final Test - Medium

Janisse Ray
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ecology of a Cracker Childhood Test | Final Test - Medium

Janisse Ray
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Frank tell the children they must do if anyone approached the family's swimming hole while he was teaching them to swim?
(a) They have to run and jump into the car even if they are soaking wet.
(b) They have to go underwater.
(c) They have to grab their towels and cover up as quickly as they can.
(d) They have to be nice to the newcomers and introduce themselves.

2. What evidence of the Lower Creek Indians' prior presence did Lee Ada find on Beulah's property when she was a little girl?
(a) Paintings.
(b) Pieces of woven baskets.
(c) Arrowhead points.
(d) Pottery shards.

3. Why did Dell stay home from the rafting trip when Steve and Janisse and Frank go?
(a) He worked Saturdays at a local hardware store.
(b) He got into a fight with their father before the rafting trip.
(c) He needed to stay home and take care of his sick mother.
(d) He was afraid of the water.

4. The author writes that although the families in her area would have defended the land to the death, they lacked three things that would have allowed them to care about the actual health of its natural communities. What were those three things?
(a) Time, understanding, and leisure.
(b) Freedom, money, and time.
(c) Means, education, and ease.
(d) Money, space, and time.

5. What is the maximum life span of a gopher tortoise?
(a) 25 years.
(b) 50 years.
(c) 20 years.
(d) 70 years.

Short Answer Questions

1. Once gopher tortoises reach the age at which they are too big to be swallowed, they have few predators. Which of the following is NOT one of their predators during this stage?

2. What is the main practice of gopher tortoises that helps other types of forest animals to survive?

3. At the time of the memoir's writing, about many red-cockaded woodpeckers were left in the United States, most of them relegated to Florida?

4. What prompted Janisse to write an essay about the rafting trip down the Altamaha?

5. When Milton told a story about catching an eight-foot-long indigo snake and it getting loose in his family's home, where did he say they eventually found it?

Short Essay Questions

1. What aspect of her parents' relationship did Janisse feel jealousy about?

2. Who was the first person to spark Janisse's interest in the natural world and how did that person spark her interest?

3. Why did Janisse choose to call her father Frank rather than the sheriff or the wildlife officer or someone else when she could not talk the fruit vendor into turning over the distressed tortoise he had just painted with gold and silver paint?

4. Rather than disciplining the children by spanking them or hurting them in any other way, what methods did Lee Ada use to get the children to behave?

5. How does the concept of determinism emerge in the final paragraph of the chapter entitled Poverty?

6. Why did so many strangers from other places stop by the family's junkyard?

7. How does Janisse draw parallels between the red-cockaded woodpecker and the Cracker people who inhabit her homeland?

8. Beyond just the loss of their physical homes, what does Janisse mean when she writes that all of the animals who live among longleaf pines face "loss of place" (142) as a result of logging?

9. How does Janisse describe the type of knowledge she had by the time she left home versus the type of knowledge she lacked at that time?

10. What were some elements of Frank's childhood that belie the poverty his family suffered during the aftershocks of the stock market crash in 1929?

(see the answer keys)

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