Ecology of a Cracker Childhood Test | Final Test - Easy

Janisse Ray
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ecology of a Cracker Childhood Test | Final Test - Easy

Janisse Ray
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During the time Clyo worked in the cotton fields, what was one health problem from which she did NOT suffer?
(a) Diabetes.
(b) Bad knees.
(c) A lost kidney.
(d) Gout.

2. What is the main practice of gopher tortoises that helps other types of forest animals to survive?
(a) They dig burrows in which other animals take refuge.
(b) They are involved in a symbiotic relationship with a particular parasite that is a favorite food of many forest birds.
(c) They eat seeds that cannot be digested by other animals until they have already passed through the tortoise's digestive system.
(d) They dig burrows in which predators become trapped when chasing their prey.

3. What was the punishment if Janisse or one of her siblings disobeyed Frank's instructions while they were left alone in the house?
(a) A beating with a wooden spoon.
(b) A week without being allowed to play in the junkyard.
(c) A whipping with a belt.
(d) A week without friends being allowed to visit.

4. What event first caused Janisse to talk to her teacher Lucia Godfrey during recess, sparking her interest in learning more about nature?
(a) Her mother tells Janisse a story about Lucia Godfrey that piques Janisse's interest.
(b) She is assigned recess detention for swearing.
(c) The boys will not allow her to play football.
(d) It starts to snow and Janisse asks her teacher about this rare event.

5. Where did Janisse get pants to wear on the rafting trip, her very first time wearing pants due to her family's religious convictions?
(a) The dump.
(b) She borrowed them from her brother Dell.
(c) A local thrift store.
(d) In one of the cars in the junkyard.

6. With which type of creature was Janisse's maternal grandmother Beulah fascinated?
(a) Lizards.
(b) Birds.
(c) Snakes.
(d) Spiders.

7. How many children did Clyo and Charlie have together?
(a) Eight.
(b) Nine.
(c) Five.
(d) Six.

8. The family's junkyard was bordered by a group of row houses that lacked two modern conveniences. What two elements did the houses lack?
(a) Heat and running water.
(b) Running water and telephone service.
(c) Electricity and telephone service.
(d) Electricity and running water.

9. How did Charlie die when he passed away three years prior to Clyo's death?
(a) He got into a car accident.
(b) He came down with a severe bout of pneumonia.
(c) He had a massive heart attack.
(d) He stopped eating and starved to death.

10. Indigo snakes have a four-month mating season once a year. When is it?
(a) June through September.
(b) October through January.
(c) December through March.
(d) November through February.

11. What is the average amount of rainfall in Appling County, Georgia?
(a) 40 inches.
(b) 60 inches.
(c) 30 inches.
(d) 50 inches.

12. Though the preacher at first refused to marry Lee Ada and Frank, he finally agreed, providing they agree to one condition. What was that one condition?
(a) They will not tell their parents who officiated the ceremony.
(b) They will refrain from having children for one full year.
(c) They will name their firstborn child after the preacher.
(d) They will get married outside rather than in the church.

13. For what practice does the gopher tortoise require open sunny spots within their habitats?
(a) Absorbing Vitamin D.
(b) Laying eggs.
(c) Drying out their shells.
(d) Eating.

14. Why did Lee Ada and Frank elope?
(a) Because they did not have money for a big wedding.
(b) Because Frank's mother did not approve of the marriage.
(c) Because Lee Ada's father did not approve of the marriage.
(d) Because Frank's father did not approve of the marriage.

15. In what year did Clyo finally succumb to her various maladies?
(a) 1972.
(b) 1995.
(c) 1980.
(d) 1990.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the name of the Rays' neighbor who survived a train accident in 1955?

2. Why did Dell stay home from the rafting trip when Steve and Janisse and Frank go?

3. At what store did Beulah shop every Friday, rain or shine?

4. What did Frank use to plug the holes in the flat-bottomed boat?

5. After Lee Ada marries Frank, what task did she offer to help her father Arthur with when she was seeking to make peace with him?

(see the answer keys)

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