Ecology of a Cracker Childhood Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Janisse Ray
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ecology of a Cracker Childhood Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Janisse Ray
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Though everyone was aware of Frank's predilection toward mental illness, what did everyone, including the police, agree was another possible cause of his first major nervous breakdown?
(a) He suddenly remembered a particularly violent episode involving his father.
(b) His new friend spiked his lunch with LSD.
(c) He had not eaten for several days and it had affected his mental state.
(d) He found out Lee Ada had been unfaithful.

2. What chore done before a thunderstorm does Janisse use in the Introduction as a metaphor for the Georgian people seeing everything coming before it happens?
(a) Bringing in the laundry.
(b) Putting out the rain barrels.
(c) Rounding up the animals.
(d) Raking the leaves.

3. Why did the town of Brunswick have a distinctive smell?
(a) There was a paper mill in town that emitted the smell of rotten eggs.
(b) The river that flowed through town had been polluted by the nearby sewage treatment plant.
(c) The town's main street was lined with magnolia trees.
(d) There was frequent spreading of fertilizer on the crops to keep the soil fertile.

4. What game of pretend did Janisse and her brothers play inside the old school bus?
(a) Runaway school bus.
(b) Zoo.
(c) Baptism.
(d) Chain gang.

5. When Janisse was very small and used to hide from her mother in the junkyard, what remedy did her mother use in order to find her?
(a) She called the sheriff to come search for Janisse among the junk.
(b) She tied jingle bells onto Janisse's shoes.
(c) She waited until Janisse's father got home and sent him to find Janisse.
(d) She lured her with the promise of peaches.

6. Because Janisse was one of her grandfather Charlie's favorite grandchildren, what two skills did he teach her?
(a) How to fight and how to fish.
(b) How to find huckleberry patches and how to make a raft.
(c) How to play the piano and how to tie a good knot.
(d) How to play horseshoes and how to wrestle.

7. What is the oldest age to which longleaf pines can live?
(a) 500 years old.
(b) 200 years old.
(c) 300 years old.
(d) 1000 years old.

8. When tree farming became common practice in 1940, why was the longleaf pine rarely planted by tree farmers?
(a) Its taproot was unwieldy and it grew slowly.
(b) Its seedlings were too expensive.
(c) It required too much room to grow.
(d) It did not bring as much money as other species of tree.

9. What was the catalyst for the "opening" of Janisse's heart referenced in the chapter title How the Heart Opens?
(a) Her brother's decision to become a minister.
(b) Her fascination with the carnivorous pitcher plant.
(c) Her discovery of her love for painting.
(d) Her father's healing from his mental illness.

10. Janisse uses a quote from which novel to begin Chapter 3, Shame?
(a) Ecotopia.
(b) Absalom, Absalom.
(c) A Separate Peace.
(d) A Brave New World.

11. Who was Foster Sellers and how did he play a role in the children's junkyard games?
(a) He was a local doctor and his old ambulance was in the family junkyard.
(b) He was a local veterinarian and his van was in the family junkyard.
(c) He was a local bank robber and his old car was in the family junkyard.
(d) He was a local mortician and his hearse was in the family junkyard.

12. In what way was the Ray family different than everyone else in the Apostolic Church's congregation?
(a) They were the only ones who did not speak in tongues.
(b) They were the only white members of the congregation.
(c) They celebrated Christmas.
(d) They were the only family with fewer than eight children.

13. What is the official designation of the longleaf pine's status, as stated by the National Biological Service?
(a) Critically endangered.
(b) Extinct.
(c) Virtually extinct.
(d) Endangered.

14. What does Janisse say the source of southern Georgia's majesty and sublimity used to come from before that source was destroyed?
(a) The wide diversity of native bird species.
(b) The longleaf pine forests.
(c) The clear, unpolluted skies.
(d) Many clear springs, rivers, and waterfalls.

15. When Janisse's parents tell the the children the stories of their births, where do they say Janisse was found?
(a) On a bed of moss in the treehouse.
(b) In a bed of pine needles in the forest.
(c) Under a grapevine.
(d) In a big cabbage in the garden.

Short Answer Questions

1. Though Frank did not graduate from high school, Janisse cited two other forms of education that Frank sought out and received. What were those two sources of education?

2. When Charlie somehow got out of the mental institution to which Clyo had him committed, how did she persuade him to leave the family home again?

3. In Chapter 10, Timber, Janisse writes that railroads were to pines what railroads were to buffalo. What does she state that railroads were to both pines and buffalo?

4. At the hands of the tree farmers, the land was laid bare. What simile does Janisse use to describe its bare state?

5. By what year had virtually all of the longleaf pines been felled, leaving only .001 percent of its former numbers?

(see the answer keys)

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