Ecology of a Cracker Childhood Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Janisse Ray
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ecology of a Cracker Childhood Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Janisse Ray
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 7-13.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How often did the car crusher make a visit to the family junkyard?
(a) Every five years.
(b) Every two years.
(c) Every three months.
(d) Every week.

2. When Charlie somehow got out of the mental institution to which Clyo had him committed, how did she persuade him to leave the family home again?
(a) By telling him that he could live in the old van down by the river.
(b) By calling the police and threatening to have him recommitted.
(c) By giving him all the money she had.
(d) By telling him that the children would be better off without him.

3. Though Frank did not graduate from high school, Janisse cited two other forms of education that Frank sought out and received. What were those two sources of education?
(a) Cooking skills he had learned from his mother-in-law, Beulah, and sales skills he had absorbed from his father Charlie.
(b) Survival skills he learned from growing up with an abusive father and enrollment at an auto mechanics school.
(c) Enrollment at a business school downtown and the math instruction he received from his grandfather while learning to survey.
(d) Knowledge about politics he gleaned from his friend Curtis Hamilton, a former state senator, and street smarts he learned from his father Charlie.

4. What did Frank's children begin to watch for as a sign that he was entering a manic phase of his mental illness?
(a) His tendency to talk for hours on end without listening to their replies.
(b) Displays of anger.
(c) His inability to sleep.
(d) Impulsive actions concerning his salvaging business.

5. What type of bird was Clyde, the bird that Frank nursed back to health after finding it on the side of the highway with a broken leg and wing?
(a) A heron.
(b) A pigeon.
(c) A robin.
(d) A woodpecker.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 4, Built by Fire, what two natural elements does Janisse pit against one another in her personification-laden story?

2. When Janisse's family said grace before each meal, each child in the family was required to say something. What were they required by Frank to say?

3. What did Charlie hope to accomplish by placing old shoes beneath plants?

4. What object did Frank create out of driveshafts, hollow metal rods, and fence wire?

5. What did the children call their club whose purpose was to search the salvaged cars for valuable items?

(see the answer key)

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