Eclipse Test | Final Test - Easy

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eclipse Test | Final Test - Easy

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Alice bring Bella?
(a) An ancient book on the history of vampires.
(b) A description of how one becomes a vampire.
(c) A new graduation outfit.
(d) A poem Edward wrote when he was very young.

2. What will Edward not tell Bella?
(a) That Victoria has been spotted in Port Angeles.
(b) That Jacob attacked Edward.
(c) About a vision Alice has.
(d) That he will not turn Bella until she has completed college.

3. What does Bella read about at home?
(a) The upcoming graduation ceremony.
(b) The unexplained wolf deaths in the area.
(c) The escalating fights between two gangs in the area.
(d) The escalating killing spree in Seattle.

4. What does Jacob suggest in response to what Alice says?
(a) That the werewolves align with the Vampires.
(b) That Edward not go out that night.
(c) That Carlisle be surrounded by all the other Vampires.
(d) That the werewolves try to stop Victoria.

5. Why is Jasper concerned that there will be no help from the vampires in Anchorage?
(a) He thinks the army is a result of a rogue vampire from Anchorage.
(b) He is afraid the werewolves will start policing the area.
(c) He believes it violates the vampire rules of conduct.
(d) He thinks they will need more vampires to fight the newborns.

6. What alibi does Alice create for Bella?
(a) Tutoring.
(b) None.
(c) Shopping.
(d) Library work.

7. What does Jasper do in the meadow?
(a) Attacks a rogue vampire.
(b) Demonstrates how to fight the newborns.
(c) Shows Bella how to defend herself.
(d) Attacks Jacob.

8. What does Edward say Bella must agree to do before she can be transformed to a vampire?
(a) Learn more about vampires.
(b) Leave her family.
(c) Marry him.
(d) Go through an initiation rite.

9. Why does Jacob think he should carry Bella to a safe place?
(a) So she can get to the safe house before the fighting begins.
(b) So he can spend some time with her.
(c) So she will not tire.
(d) So her scent will be hidden.

10. Of what does Edward assure Bella?
(a) He will always love her even if she chooses not to become a vampire.
(b) He will leave Jacob alone.
(c) He is willing to wait as long as she wants him to do so.
(d) He will leave a male human alone if she wants to get involved with one.

11. What does Jasper say will have to be done in Seattle?
(a) The newborns will have to be captured and educated.
(b) The newborns will have to be split up into other families.
(c) The newborn army will have to be done away with.
(d) The newborn leaders will have to be executed and burned.

12. Who turns Jasper to a vampire?
(a) His brother.
(b) A female vampire.
(c) His uncle.
(d) His lover.

13. To what does Edward agree?
(a) Stay out of the fight.
(b) Allow Bella to fight.
(c) Letting Jacob guard Bella.
(d) Allowing the rogue vampires close to their home.

14. What does Jacob threaten when he talks with Bella?
(a) To disrupt Edward and Bella's marriage.
(b) To kill Edward.
(c) To tell Bella's father about Edward being a vampire.
(d) To let himself get killed in the upcoming battle.

15. What does Alice tell Bella and Jacob?
(a) She had a vision of the newborn army coming to Forks.
(b) Edward is trying to stop Victoria.
(c) She had a vision of Carlisle's death.
(d) She had a vision of Edward's death.

Short Answer Questions

1. Upon what does Bella insist?

2. How does Edward explain the article Bella reads in the newspaper?

3. How is Bella the next morning?

4. Why does Edward take Bella to the clearing?

5. What does Edward say has forced him to consider turning Bella?

(see the answer keys)

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