Echo Tree Test | Final Test - Medium

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Echo Tree Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Carl tell the construction crew about Kenny in "The Distributors"?
(a) He can not come back to work because he is sick.
(b) He is a manager now.
(c) He will be back soon.
(d) He has died.

2. What does the driver use to disseminate the fog?
(a) A smoker can.
(b) A cigarette.
(c) A church incense container.
(d) A tractor.

3. Who is the protagonist of "Harlem"?
(a) Harold.
(b) Willie.
(c) Henry.
(d) Fred.

4. Who does Tyros meet in the largest city he moves through?
(a) His best friend from school.
(b) A prophet.
(c) A man in the river.
(d) An author.

5. In "Invasion," what do the children want Mr. Jackson to do?
(a) Cook for them.
(b) Give them guns.
(c) Let them go swimming.
(d) Become a general.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Tyros decide to do after he is done at the universities?

2. What does the Devil leave behind when he leaves in "Devil Bird"?

3. Who did Lon used to work for?

4. What do the white men do to Mr. Westland?

5. What does Smithy say he like working with?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Carl looking for work in "The Distributors"?

2. In "Rope of Wind," why is Johnny B afraid of the men who stop him in the beginning?

3. In "Harlem," what happens between the police and the crowd?

4. In "The University of Man," how does Tyros view the car dealer?

5. In "Six Days You Shall Labor," what do Big Mo and the others do after being told not to pick the pecans?

6. How does the company in "The Man Who Could See Through Fog" treat it workers?

7. In "The University of Man," why does Tyros take his journey?

8. Why does the man in the crowd who has to be removed in "Harlem" become agitated?

9. In "Six Days You Shall Labor," what happens when Big Mo sells the pecans at church?

10. In "Thrust Counter Thrust," how does Saul feel about Lon's death in Korea?

(see the answer keys)

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