Echo Tree Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Echo Tree Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Part I (Ark of Bones - A Boll of Roses)

1. In "Ark of Bones," who follows Fish-Hound?
(a) Eagle Eye.
(b) Headeye.
(c) Brown Eye.
(d) Roundeye.

2. What does Headeye find in "Ark of Bones"?
(a) A ham bone.
(b) A dry bone.
(c) A rye bone.
(d) A mojo bone.

3. Who was in the valley of dry bones, according to Headye?
(a) Sunra.
(b) John.
(c) Ezekiel.
(d) Jesus.

4. What do Headeye and Fish-Hound argue about at one point?
(a) What are the best books to read.
(b) Whether the beach is really safe.
(c) How many Black people are in the Bible.
(d) What is the best way to cook fish.

5. What does Fish-Hound catch?
(a) Turtles.
(b) A dog.
(c) Fish.
(d) A bear.

6. What river does Fish-Hound wander near?
(a) The Tallahatchee.
(b) The Mississippi.
(c) The Raven.
(d) The Chicago.

7. What boat does Fish-Hound think one takes to heaven?
(a) The Ark.
(b) Glory Boat.
(c) The Claw.
(d) The Raven.

8. What does Headeye tell Fish-Hound about the boat they see when they first see it?
(a) It is a mirage.
(b) It is a soulboat.
(c) It is carrying slaves.
(d) It is carrying food.

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