Echo Burning Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lee Child
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Echo Burning Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lee Child
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one thing that is important to Jack:?
(a) Religion.
(b) Justice.
(c) None of the above.
(d) Family.

2. How do the killers convince their target to get in their car?
(a) Make him promises.
(b) Stroke his ego.
(c) Bribe him.
(d) Drag him in.

3. Who goes with the sheriff to get Sloop when he is released from jail?
(a) Ellie.
(b) Carmen.
(c) Rusty.
(d) Bobby.

4. Who turned Sloop in to the IRS?
(a) His employer.
(b) His father.
(c) Reacher.
(d) Carmen.

5. What reason did Carmen give for taking Reacher to her bedroom?
(a) For him to fix something.
(b) To show him where she hid the pistol.
(c) To give him something.
(d) She is scared.

6. Why does Carmen feel the way she does about Sloop's return from prison?
(a) She doesn't want him to meet Reacher.
(b) She wants him to see how big Ellie is now.
(c) He knows she turned him in.
(d) She loves him.

7. With whom is Reacher involved in a confrontation in Chapter 1?
(a) A friend.
(b) His father.
(c) His long lost brother.
(d) A local police officer.

8. Of the group in Question Six, which is the leader?
(a) None.
(b) The younger man.
(c) The woman.
(d) The older man.

9. What does Reacher's experience tell him to do when he suspects he is in trouble?
(a) Give them what they want.
(b) Strike first and hard.
(c) Call for help.
(d) Run away.

10. What makes the errand Bobby wants Reacher to run with Billy and Josh seem fishy to Reacher?
(a) The look on Bobby's face.
(b) The tone of Bobby's voice.
(c) The storeroom is full of feed.
(d) It shouldn't take three of them.

11. What size of a man is Reacher?
(a) Small.
(b) Medium.
(c) Large.
(d) Extra large.

12. What does Carmen offer to Reacher as payment for helping her out in her situation?
(a) Money.
(b) Sex.
(c) Love.
(d) Her child.

13. Who picks Jack up while he is hitchhiking?
(a) Carmen.
(b) Ellie.
(c) Billy.
(d) The police.

14. What does Bobby tell Reacher about Carmen?
(a) She ran away.
(b) She is looking for him.
(c) She lies.
(d) None of the above.

15. How is Carmen feeling as Sloop's arrival nears?
(a) Happy.
(b) Excited.
(c) Angry.
(d) Nervous.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who helps Reacher with the test Bobby Greer gives him?

2. Who is Rusty Greer?

3. What is Jack doing with his life when this story begins?

4. Why does Carmen pick up Jack Reacher?

5. Where do Billy and Josh take Reacher in Chapter 7?

(see the answer keys)

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