Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who does not go with Ibn on his journey with the Northmen?
2. Why do the Northmen fear the item in question #55?
3. What town does Herger point out to Ibn when they are on the ship?
4. What does Thorkel want to do with Ibn?
5. Why does Ibn's party stop after they leave the Oguz?
Short Essay Questions
1. What kind of man is Ibn, and how much has he traveled before this journey?
2. What does Crichton say about Ibn's observations of the Vikings?
3. What is the letter that is mentioned in Chapter One?
4. What does Ibn and his party see as they walk towards Rothgar's Hall and how do the Viking warriors feel about it?
5. How does Chapter One begin and what does the writer say about himself?
6. Who tells Ibn about the wendol and what does he say?
7. Why is there no adultery among the Turks?
8. How do the Northmen hold funeral rites for their leader?
9. What does a boat that arrives bear and what is the message given to Buliwyf?
10. How does Ibn describe the rivers where he travels?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Often, authors will write about "what they know," and sometimes knowing a little about the author makes the books more interesting. Discuss the following:
1. Research and give a brief biographical sketch of Michael Crichton.
2. What in Crichton's background may have helped Crichton in writing "Eaters of the Dead"? What may have influenced the way he depicts various characters and scenes?
3. Do you think there is always some of the author's own life in his/her novels? Why or why not? Give examples.
Essay Topic 2
Characters are an important part of what makes "Eaters of the Dead" interesting. Discuss the following:
1. Thoroughly discuss and analyze Ibn. What are his strengths? His weaknesses? How does he contribute to the plot? Is he a sympathetic character? Is he always likable? Never likable? Use specific examples to illustrate your ideas.
2. Thoroughly discuss and analyze the character of Buliwyf. What are his strengths? His weaknesses? How does he contribute to the plot? Is he a sympathetic character? Is he ever likable? Never likable? Use specific examples to illustrate your ideas.
3. Thoroughly discuss and analyze the character of Herger. What are his strengths? His weaknesses? How does he contribute to the plot? Is he a sympathetic character? Is he ever likable? Never likable? Use specific examples to illustrate your ideas.
Essay Topic 3
Choose one of the following to discuss:
1. Choose two significant symbols and trace and analyze their appearance in "Eaters of the Dead". Are these universal symbols? Would they be understood in any culture? Are there other symbols that would portray the same idea? What are they? Why do you think Crichton chooses the symbols she does?
2. Choose two important metaphors and trace and analyze their appearance in the novel. Are these universal metaphors? Would they be understood in any culture? Are there other metaphors that would portray the same idea? What are they? Why do you think Crichton chooses the metaphors he does?
3. Discuss Crichton's use (or lack ) of literary device (such as foreshadowing, cliffhangers, deux ex machina, etc...), and how they add or detract from the story. Does Crichton use too many or too little literary techniques? State which of the five major elements of fiction the literary device is related to (style, character, plot, setting, theme).
This section contains 1,106 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |