Eaters of the Dead: The Manuscript of Ibn Fadlan Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eaters of the Dead: The Manuscript of Ibn Fadlan Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Herger tell Ibn when Ibn says he does not want to go to the wendol's mother?
(a) It is a great honor to go.
(b) He is a coward.
(c) Herger will climb with him.
(d) They will kill him if he does not go.

2. What litters the ground of Rothgar's compound?
(a) Bodies of the wendol.
(b) Burned wood.
(c) Dozens of torches.
(d) Bodies of dead women, children and men.

3. What does a dwarf tell Buliwyf about Buliwyf?
(a) Buliwyf will become the king of the Vikings.
(b) He doesn't tell him anything about Buliwyf.
(c) Buliwyf will have a son.
(d) The wendol will bring about his death.

4. For what does Buliwyf ask the dwarfs?
(a) A long sword.
(b) The king of the dwarfs.
(c) A soothsayer.
(d) New body armor.

5. How are warriors with extremity wounds treated?
(a) Salt water.
(b) They are given willow bark tea.
(c) Whiskey is poured on their wounds.
(d) Spiderwebs or hot cloths.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the stone statue of a pregnant woman mean to the wendols?

2. What does Ibn ask Herger as they near Hurot?

3. How does Ibn leave the Northmen?

4. What do the Northmen do with great happiness following the first battle?

5. How does Ibn feel about what Herger told him about Buliwyf's plan?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do the warriors do when they reach a region of caves?

2. What does Buliwyf tell Ibn and ask him to do?

3. What is one of the new defenses around Hurot and what do the women do with water and why do they do it?

4. What does Herger tell Ibn about why the Vikings are not more excited after the first battle?

5. How does Herger take care of a man who wants to kill Buliwyf?

6. Why does Buliwyf sit with Ibn and how does Buliwyf talk?

7. What is the landscape like in the Desert of Dread?

8. What does Buliwyf tell the men to do once they have scaled the cliffs and how is Ibn feeling?

9. What does the dwarf soothsayer tell Buliwyf?

10. How does Wiglif end up dead?

(see the answer keys)

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