Eaters of the Dead: The Manuscript of Ibn Fadlan Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eaters of the Dead: The Manuscript of Ibn Fadlan Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ibn say when the interpreter explains the Northmen's fear?
(a) He too is afraid of some things.
(b) It must be a Viking superstition.
(c) It is silly.
(d) It is prudent but still he does not understand.

2. What do the warriors see on the ground at the farmhouse where they stop?
(a) A dead horse.
(b) Footprints with claw marks.
(c) A stack of arranged firewood ready to burn.
(d) Two swords.

3. What does Ecthgow say to Ibn about the why the whales attack boats?
(a) To knock men into the water.
(b) To play with the boats.
(c) To stop the noise from the shields.
(d) To mate with them.

4. What does Ibn ask when Herger points out the city in question #67 to him?
(a) To stop for a few days.
(b) To not leave him there with the heathens.
(c) To be put ashore.
(d) To attack the city for gold.

5. What does Ibn observe about the Vikings social customs?
(a) They have no cohesive society.
(b) They have a very loose social structure.
(c) They have few long time rituals.
(d) They have a strong sense of ritual.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many times has Ibn traveled away from his home city before this journey?

2. What amazes Ibn about the hall?

3. What is the name of the Northmen's leader?

4. What is the first information given about Ibn?

5. What is the position of the man in question #15?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does a boat that arrives bear and what is the message given to Buliwyf?

2. What kind of man is Ibn, and how much has he traveled before this journey?

3. How long was Ibn gone, and how did he tell about his journey?

4. How do the Northmen hold funeral rites for their leader?

5. What does Crichton say about Ibn's observations of the Vikings?

6. What is the river Gayih like and what happens when Ibn crosses it?

7. How does Chapter One begin and what does the writer say about himself?

8. What does Ibn note about the difference between the people at Trelburg and the Northmen and what does he find out there about the troubles at Rothgar's Hall?

9. How is the Northmen's fear explained to Ibn?

10. Why did Ibn Fadlan go on a journey, who sent him, when did he go and what changed his original destination?

(see the answer keys)

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