Eaters of the Dead: The Manuscript of Ibn Fadlan Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eaters of the Dead: The Manuscript of Ibn Fadlan Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the Northmen do with great happiness following the first battle?
(a) Bury their dead.
(b) Congratulate Buliwyf.
(c) Plan their next strategy.
(d) Hail their king.

2. Who does Ibn slay inside the hall?
(a) The herald.
(b) No one.
(c) A wendol who had hidden inside.
(d) Wiglif.

3. What do the warriors follow?
(a) Hoofprints.
(b) Discarded bones from food.
(c) A trail of blood.
(d) Mostly the scent of the wendols.

4. What does the landscape look like when it changes?
(a) A sandy desert.
(b) A soggy, damp desert.
(c) Plains with high grass.
(d) A forest with widely spaced trees.

5. What do the dwarfs make that the Northmen prize?
(a) Weapons.
(b) Body armor.
(c) Stone catapults.
(d) Jewelry with gems.

6. What litters the ground of Rothgar's compound?
(a) Burned wood.
(b) Bodies of dead women, children and men.
(c) Bodies of the wendol.
(d) Dozens of torches.

7. What does Buliwyf do when he comes to Ibn?
(a) Tells him to go to bed.
(b) Hands him a glass of wine.
(c) Sits down beside him.
(d) Slaps him in the face.

8. What does it mean if a man has a chest wound and his feet and hands are warm?
(a) He has a fever.
(b) He will dies within twenty-four hours.
(c) He will survive.
(d) He has a fifty-fifty chance of survival.

9. Why does Ibn join the revelry?
(a) He feels he could be born a Northman.
(b) He is far from his home.
(c) He has given up his religion.
(d) He is lonely.

10. How does Ibn leave the Northmen?
(a) With a group seeking Wulfgar.
(b) On foot by himself.
(c) On a merchant ship.
(d) On Herger's horse.

11. What does Herger tell Ibn about the possible near future?
(a) Buliwyf has now fulfilled his obligation and will leave Rothgar Hall.
(b) The Northmen will move to another location.
(c) The mists and the wendols will come again.
(d) The wendols will now leave them alone.

12. What kind of power does Herger say the dwarfs have?
(a) He does not mention power as far as the dwarfs are concerned.
(b) Mechanical power.
(c) Magical power.
(d) A powerful army.

13. Why does Herger tell Ibn a lot of information?
(a) Rothgar wants Ibn to know what he faces.
(b) He is drunk.
(c) Ibn has proven his worth.
(d) Buliwyf has told him to do that.

14. What does the stone statue of a pregnant woman mean to the wendols?
(a) It is an image of their Angel of Death.
(b) It is an image of the earth.
(c) It is the image of their goddess.
(d) It is an image of the dragon's mother.

15. With what is the valley they come to filled?
(a) Crude huts.
(b) Dead animal carcasses.
(c) A huge lake.
(d) Wendol children.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ibn find distasteful about the Northwomen with whom he spends time the night after the first battle, besides her physical appearance?

2. What does Herger do after he talks to Ibn?

3. What does Buliwyf do when they offer him onion soup back at the hall?

4. What does Ibn see in the caves at first?

5. To where do the warriors head when they leave the wendol camp?

(see the answer keys)

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