Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India, and Indonesia Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India, and Indonesia Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India, and Indonesia Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ketut believe has emptied his bank account, according to his version of events in the story?
(a) His luck.
(b) Terrorist bombing.
(c) His son.
(d) His wife.

2. Liz finds out she does not need to change her natural character in order to be ___________ in her life.
(a) Quiet.
(b) True.
(c) Measured.
(d) Devout.

3. Everyone is watched over from the womb by four ________: Intelligence, Friendship, Strength, and Poetry.
(a) Truths.
(b) Witnesses.
(c) Brothers.
(d) Guardians.

4. Who does Ketut say that he has not met when Liz finally comes back to her studies with Ketut?
(a) Liz.
(b) Felipe.
(c) Mario.
(d) Yudhi.

5. What is Liz in no condition to do on account of her not being able to sleep one night?
(a) Walking.
(b) Meditation.
(c) Healing.
(d) Reading.

6. What is the nickname that Liz desires to have at the Ashram, though life has other plans for her?
(a) Quiet Girl.
(b) Mantra Girl.
(c) Yoga Master.
(d) Loud Mouth.

7. Liz prays that her __________ will experience all of the good things that God intends for her, according to the writing in this book.
(a) Wards.
(b) Children.
(c) Gurus.
(d) Ex-lovers.

8. _____________, Liz learns, is a manifestation of self importance, so she decides to work on this practice.
(a) Interrupting.
(b) Hand gestures.
(c) Running.
(d) Sighing.

9. What is the Bali word for Feng Shui which Wayan does in order to slow the search for a new house to purchase?
(a) Taksu.
(b) Duna.
(c) Druga.
(d) Takunsu.

10. What does Liz ignore as she is sitting in her meditation, according to the writing in this book?
(a) Mosquitoes.
(b) Her tears.
(c) Another woman.
(d) Her thoughts.

11. What is the feeling at the Ashram as the friends of Liz begin to leave, according to the writing in this book?
(a) Peace.
(b) Joy.
(c) Bliss.
(d) Melancholy.

12. The Hopi and the Dalai Lama see each religion as a _______________ destined to be woven into a rope which pulls humanity into a new realm.
(a) Thread.
(b) Color.
(c) Story.
(d) Path.

13. With whom does Liz take an American style road trip around the area of Bali?
(a) Yudhi.
(b) Felipe.
(c) Iva.
(d) Ketut.

14. The Westerners dubbed Bali "The Island of the __________" though it was not safe to travel to Bali until the 1970s.
(a) Truths.
(b) Powers.
(c) Goddesses.
(d) Gods.

15. Liz talks with Tulsi about the inner circle of ___________ which has been left as a result of her divorce.
(a) Revelation.
(b) Distrust.
(c) Pain.
(d) Honor.

Short Answer Questions

1. Ketut says that one can only fight one's own ____________, as a good yogi, according to the writing in this book.

2. Complex religious ceremonies mark the ___________ rites of passage during a Bali villager's life.

3. What is the second question that a Balinese villager might ask a stranger upon their arrival in the area?

4. With whom does Liz find out that she shares a birthday, so a party is thrown for the both of them?

5. Religious rituals grow out of mystical experimentation by brave scouts who become ____________, according to the writing in this book.

(see the answer keys)

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