Earthlings Test | Final Test - Medium

Sayaka Murata
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Earthlings Test | Final Test - Medium

Sayaka Murata
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Yota say is looking very worn down?
(a) The silkworm hut.
(b) The cabinetry.
(c) The tatami mat in the altar room.
(d) The kitchen counter.

2. What does Yuu say when Natsuki tells him she is an alien too?
(a) He says that was just a childhood story.
(b) He says he wants to leave immediately.
(c) He says he used to be an alien, but he is not any longer.
(d) He says he believes her.

3. Who owns the house in Akishina?
(a) Yuu.
(b) Teruyoshi.
(c) Natsuki's father.
(d) Natsuki's sister.

4. Why does Natsuki's father stop talking to her?
(a) Because she told him about her abuse.
(b) Because she got bad grades.
(c) Out of embarrassment over what happened between Natsuki and Yuu.
(d) Because she accused him of abusing her.

5. What is the term Natsuki's family uses for when the ground around a grave collapses?
(a) When the earth has settled.
(b) When the earth has come home.
(c) When the earth has "fallen in."
(d) When the earth has become shaven.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who begins to get worried that Natsuki and Tomoya have extended their stay in Akishina?

2. Where does Natsuki's family keep her prisoner after the incident with Yuu in Chapter 4?

3. Who does Tomoya end up soliciting for sex?

4. What is one of Natsuki's husband's main worries when he is fired?

5. Why does Yuu say Natsuki cannot go to town with him and Yota?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Tomoya fired?

2. What happens when Tomoya tries to carry out his plan to engage in a taboo?

3. Where does Tomoya desperately want to visit in Part III, and why?

4. Who takes Natsuki and Tomoya to Akishina, and why?

5. What do Tomoya and Natsuki tell Yuu about themselves in Akishina?

6. What does Miho tell Natsuki about Natsuki's abuse?

7. Who comes to visit at Akishina and what is the reason for the visit in Chapter 5?

8. Why is Tomoya so repulsed by the site of female skin?

9. Who does Natsuki believe she killed in Mr. Igasaki's house?

10. Who advocates for Natsuki to be able to visit Akishina, and why?

(see the answer keys)

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