Earthlings Test | Final Test - Easy

Sayaka Murata
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Earthlings Test | Final Test - Easy

Sayaka Murata
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Shizuka seem to always suspect about Natsuki?
(a) Natsuki wants a new job.
(b) Natsuki is pregnant.
(c) Natsuki steals from her.
(d) Natsuki is jealous of her.

2. Why does Yuu say it is not a good idea to stay in the house in winter?
(a) The aliens come back in winter.
(b) The river freezes over.
(c) The snow gets too deep.
(d) The house gets haunted then.

3. What does Natsuki keep in the tin box?
(a) Her food.
(b) Piyyut, the marriage pledge, and the wire ring.
(c) Her diary.
(d) Her shoes.

4. What does Natsuki find out that Tomoya has told his own family about their marriage?
(a) They are struggling with their faith.
(b) They do not have any money left.
(c) They want to have kids badly.
(d) They do not have sex.

5. How does Tomoya seem in Akishina?
(a) The same as always.
(b) Lethargic.
(c) Angry.
(d) Cheerful and energetic.

6. What is Natsuki's husband's name?
(a) Yi.
(b) Teruyoshi.
(c) Hiro.
(d) Tomoya.

7. What does Tomoya's family do to him that shocks Natsuki?
(a) Cut his hair.
(b) Give him heavy medication.
(c) Cut off his finger.
(d) Make him sleep in the dog house.

8. Who intervenes in favor of Natsuki on the question of visiting Akishina in Part III?
(a) Uncle Tahiro.
(b) Aunt Ritsuko.
(c) Uncle Hiro.
(d) Aunt Kiko.

9. What does Natsuki's mother-in-law tell Tomoya he can do because all men do it?
(a) Buy another house.
(b) Go to church.
(c) Have affairs.
(d) Get a new job.

10. What is Natsuki's niece's name?
(a) Hana.
(b) Riki.
(c) Yei.
(d) Raba.

11. What does Piyyut tell Natsuki she must do in order to survive in Part III?
(a) Kill the witch before the witch kills her.
(b) Find Yuu again.
(c) Run away.
(d) Kill herself.

12. What does Natsuki think Yuu thinks of her?
(a) He despises her.
(b) He loves her.
(c) He is worried about her.
(d) He is angry with her.

13. Where does Yota live?
(a) Ueda.
(b) Chibia.
(c) Frida.
(d) Tokyo.

14. What does Yuu tell Natsuki and Tomoya about himself in Part III?
(a) He is a fully-fledged earthling.
(b) He is a priest.
(c) He is a lizard.
(d) He is reincarnated.

15. What does Yuu tell Natsuki is his impression of her?
(a) She probably desperately wants a baby.
(b) She is a wonderful adult.
(c) She is frozen in time and in childhood.
(d) She is too much under her parents' thumb.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Natsuki's husband tell her he is going to do after he is fired in Part III?

2. What does Natsuki think of society as a system for?

3. How does Natsuki's cousin treat her at first when he visits the mountain house in Part IV?

4. Who does Natsuki tell about her sexual abuse while at university?

5. What happens to Natsuki after she goes to Mr. Igasaki's house in Part III?

(see the answer keys)

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