Earth Abides Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Earth Abides Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Ish decides to take a cross-country trip, what is the reason he decides to go?
(a) To find other survivors.
(b) To find his parents.
(c) To find a friend he hopes survived.
(d) To find a safer place to live.

2. At one point, Ish considers suicide, but there is one particular reason he decides not to kill himself. What gives Ish the will to live?
(a) The fear of death.
(b) Curiosity about his parents.
(c) Being an observer.
(d) The books he reads.

3. In Year Eleven, Molly is the first person to have this happen to her:
(a) Has a child die at birth.
(b) Goes through menopause.
(c) Has several gray hairs.
(d) Has a tooth removed.

4. While driving through the Mojave desert, why does Ish stop his car in the middle?
(a) He feels ill.
(b) The car overheats.
(c) His friend wants out.
(d) He becomes lost.

5. While Ish is alone in his house and pondering civilization, what does he decide he will never be?
(a) A murderer.
(b) A survivor.
(c) A leader.
(d) A god.

Short Answer Questions

1. While driving back home after his cross-country trip, what animals does Ish notice have disappeared?

2. In Year Five, the people create a "national pastime" out of avoiding 
what type of animal?

3. Why does Ish think the books in the library are important?

4. What can Joey do better than any of the other children?

5. At the beginning of the book, why doesn't Ish know about the virus?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do Ish's feelings about the execution seem to be very different than the feelings of the others?

2. How does the Tribe see Ish?

3. Has following Ish thorough the different stages of his life given you a better understanding of why elderly people like to just sit and talk? Why?

4. What realization makes Ish feel humble beside Em? What does he finally understand?

5. In Chapter 4, the author says this of Milt and Ann that they would "pay the penalty which in the history of the world, he knew, had always been inflicted upon organisms which specialized too highly." What do you think the author means by this statement? How has the author shown the same principle already in the text?

6. Until he arrives at the desert, what are a few of the things Ish worries about the most?

7. What do Ish and Em have to refill in order to continue on their journey? How do they do this?

8. Why do the young men, though they have probably suffered, have less lines in their faces than someone in the old civilization would have had?

9. Are the other Tribe members as dedicated to education as Ish is? Why or why not?

10. After the over-population of a certain animal, Ish notices that the larger ones of the species start killing one another off. He decides that the animals are not doing this out of hunger. What does he believe is the real reason?

(see the answer keys)

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