Earth Abides Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Earth Abides Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Ish arrives in a certain city in the east, ending his trip to that side of the country, what impresses him the most about the city?
(a) Quiet.
(b) Size of the city.
(c) Filth.
(d) Destruction.

2. What event affects the house of Ish's neighbor that Ish refuses to fix?
(a) A clogged drain.
(b) An electrical fire.
(c) Ish wrecking his car.
(d) A severe storm.

3. When Ish is alone in the cabin, what disturbs him?
(a) An explosion in the valley.
(b) Wild dogs fighting outside at night.
(c) A strong wind rocking the house.
(d) Two men coming inside.

4. What can Joey do better than any of the other children?
(a) Fight.
(b) Read.
(c) Draw.
(d) Run.

5. During the Quick Years, the community tries to start a church. From what "church" does Maurine think Ish gets his ideas?
(a) The Church of Christ.
(b) The Catholic Church.
(c) The Skeptic Church.
(d) The Methodist Church.

6. In the Quick Years, which new discovery or hobby causes the children to be so delighted 
they name Year Ten after it?
(a) Racing.
(b) Fishing.
(c) Kite-flying.
(d) Baseball.

7. While exploring the city, Ish finds a body hanging from a telephone pole. What does the sign say that is attached to the body?
(a) Stay away.
(b) Murderer.
(c) Looter.
(d) Beware of plague.

8. Why does Ish think the books in the library are important?
(a) Reading and arithmetic will help the children survive the elements.
(b) He wants to learn from the mistakes of history.
(c) They may need to burn them for fuel during winter.
(d) People will use them to rebuild civilization.

9. While scavenging for food in his hometown, what item of food does Ish find to be inedible because of mice and weevils?
(a) Fruit.
(b) Flour.
(c) Sugar.
(d) Salt.

10. While cruising through town, what does Ish see on the flashing neon sign that he equates to the progress and downfall of civilization?
(a) A flashing hand of cards.
(b) A line of stars.
(c) A galloping horse.
(d) The temperature.

11. What instrument does Ish play in the "Year We Sang"?
(a) A harmonica.
(b) A clarinet.
(c) An accordion.
(d) A violin.

12. Who does Ish meet when he is loading up his station wagon for his cross-country trip?
(a) An angry crowd.
(b) A crazy man.
(c) A woman who asks to accompany him.
(d) A dog.

13. Why do Em and Ish decide to keep Princess in the house during the infestation?
(a) For protection.
(b) Because they have seen a strange man who won't speak with them.
(c) Because they're afraid she will run away.
(d) Because of something that Ish finds.

14. On his way back to the city, Ish breaks into a fine home. What does he do while he is there?
(a) Makes himself breakfast.
(b) Stays for several nights.
(c) Empties the jewelry cabinet.
(d) Listens to a voice on the radio.

15. How does Ish first find out about the virus?
(a) A newspaper headline.
(b) A thief.
(c) A handwritten note on a body.
(d) A crackling radio station.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Em say Ish can do to help her with childbirth?

2. What animal do the children see for the first time in Year Nineteen?

3. What animal does Ish see running in the highway after the virus strikes?

4. In the beginning, how does Ish go about finding other people?

5. While Ish is alone in his house and pondering civilization, what does he decide he will never be?

(see the answer keys)

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