Earth Abides Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Earth Abides Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Quick Years.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What natural disaster occurs in Year Twenty?
(a) An earthquake.
(b) A fire.
(c) A flood.
(d) A landslide.

2. While exploring the city, Ish finds a body hanging from a telephone pole. What does the sign say that is attached to the body?
(a) Stay away.
(b) Looter.
(c) Beware of plague.
(d) Murderer.

3. Why does Ish worry about being with Em at first?
(a) She might have a hidden sickness.
(b) She is older than he is.
(c) She seems to have mental problems.
(d) She doesn't seem to like him, she just wants a companion.

4. When pondering about mankind, Ish comes up with a definition for them. What definition does he use?
(a) The noise-producing animal.
(b) The world-killing animal.
(c) The diseased animal.
(d) The ravenous animal.

5. What event affects the house of Ish's neighbor that Ish refuses to fix?
(a) A clogged drain.
(b) An electrical fire.
(c) A severe storm.
(d) Ish wrecking his car.

Short Answer Questions

1. At one point, Ish considers suicide, but there is one particular reason he decides not to kill himself. What gives Ish the will to live?

2. When Ish heads to the east coast, what does he attach to the back of his car?

3. What can Joey do better than any of the other children?

4. How do Ish and Em decide to mark the years?

5. Why does Ish think the books in the library are important?

(see the answer key)

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