Earth Abides Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Earth Abides Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Quick Years.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Ish finds out Em is pregnant, what does he use to determine the end of the year?
(a) A dirty calendar.
(b) A chronograph.
(c) A compass and a watch.
(d) A surveyor's transit.

2. While driving home from Black Creek, what does Ish see on the side of the road?
(a) A burning building.
(b) A dead body.
(c) Two children, walking alone.
(d) A blinking road sign.

3. While Ish is alone in his house and pondering civilization, what does he decide he will never be?
(a) A god.
(b) A murderer.
(c) A leader.
(d) A survivor.

4. At the beginning of the book, why doesn't Ish know about the virus?
(a) Ish is driving outside the city with his radio off.
(b) Ish is in a coma.
(c) Ish is camping on the beach and fishing.
(d) Ish is in the country doing research.

5. In the Quick Years, which new discovery or hobby causes the children to be so delighted 
they name Year Ten after it?
(a) Baseball.
(b) Racing.
(c) Kite-flying.
(d) Fishing.

Short Answer Questions

1. While Ish is traveling to the east coast, he kills an animal, eating its liver afterward. What kind of animal does Ish kill?

2. When Ish stays with the couple that he meets in the eastern city, he finds they will not leave. Why does Ish think they won't leave?

3. Why does Ish think the books in the library are important?

4. What animal does Ish see running in the highway after the virus strikes?

5. What type of animal begins to invade the city after Ish and Em find one another?

(see the answer key)

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