Early Autumn Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Early Autumn Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 21, what physical activity do Spenser and Paul engage in?
(a) Tree climbing.
(b) Boxing.
(c) Baseball.
(d) Yoga.

2. Where do Paul and Spenser stop to eat in Chapter 15?
(a) At a drive-thru McDonald's on their way out of Massachusetts.
(b) A restaurant called "Horsefeathers" in North Conway, New Hampshire.
(c) At a diner called "Babe's" in Connecticut.
(d) At a burger joint called "JB's" in Maine.

3. Who is Mortimer Snerd?
(a) A ventriloquist's dummy.
(b) An author.
(c) A cartoon character.
(d) A nerdy TV personality.

4. What is Paul's answer when Spenser asks him whether there is any place that he has always wanted to go, that no one would take him, that he was afraid to ask?
(a) That he would like to go to the opera.
(b) That he would like to go to the ballet.
(c) That he would like to go to the theater.
(d) That he would like to go to the symphony.

5. Why does Susan feel the way that she does about the idea of Paul being away from his parents and learning self-reliance?
(a) Because she had a child that she had to give up, and she still hurts over that decision.
(b) Because she was separated from her parents when she was young, and she feels that it was a detriment to the rest of her life.
(c) Because as a guidance counselor, she knows how necessary it is for a child to be with their parents, even if the parents are abusive.
(d) Because she knows how difficult it is to raise children with issues like Paul's; and she doubts that there is any possibility of change.

Short Answer Questions

1. Besides the man sitting at the desk, who else is in the building that Paul and Spenser visit in Chapter 25?

2. The first morning that Paul and Spenser are in the cabin, what does Spenser set out for breakfast?

3. At the beginning of Chapter 22, what skill is Paul learning?

4. In Chapter 17, when Paul asks Spenser why he cannot just leave him alone, what is Spenser's answer?

5. What is Paul's response to Spenser's plans for the property?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is the reader likely to feel when Patty shows up to take Paul home in Chapter 22?

2. What type of character is Harry Cotton?

3. What is Susan's opinion about Spenser keeping Paul?

4. As evidenced in his conversation with Spenser in Chapter 20, why is Paul curious in relation to why his parents think the way that they do?

5. Is Spenser's plan to blackmail the Giacomins in order to make them pay for Paul's education and living expenses, as well as staying away from him a good plan? Why? Why not?

6. Was it a good idea for Spenser and Paul to break into Mel's office? Why? Why not?

7. Is the violence used in Chapter 24 necessary? Why?

8. Why does Spenser feel that teaching Paul to box and weight lift is important?

9. What is the lesson that Spenser is trying to teach Paul via the two of them building the cabin together with their own hands instead of hiring someone else to do it or using machinery?

10. How does Susan feel about Spenser sending Paul and Patty to her house in Chapter 13?

(see the answer keys)

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