Early Autumn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Early Autumn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 17, when Paul asks Spenser why he cannot just leave him alone, what is Spenser's answer?
(a) Because Spenser thinks that Paul needs less structure in his life.
(b) Because Paul's parents never left him alone, and Spenser does not feel that he should have to either.
(c) Because Paul must learn to respect his elders.
(d) Because everybody in his life has left him alone all of his life, and it has not done him any good.

2. Spenser takes Paul to Louis'; what is Louis'?
(a) A rib shack.
(b) A men's clothier.
(c) A bar.
(d) A juke joint.

3. When does Paul set out on his journey of self-discovery and growth?
(a) In September.
(b) In July.
(c) In May.
(d) In August.

4. What does Susan say about Spenser's personality in Chapter 20?
(a) That he is fun-loving and adventurous.
(b) That he is predictable.
(c) That he is unpredictable.
(d) That he works too hard to thwart people's expectations.

5. Right after visiting Louis', where do Paul and Spenser go?
(a) To the Hudson River.
(b) To a bookstore.
(c) To "Antoinette's Restaurant".
(d) To the museum of fine arts.

6. What does Spenser tell Paul that they are going to do with Susan's rural property?
(a) Cut down all of the trees and clear the land.
(b) Cultivate the land to grow crops.
(c) Hunt, fish, and trap.
(d) Live in one cabin and build a better one.

7. Besides the man sitting at the desk, who else is in the building that Paul and Spenser visit in Chapter 25?
(a) Two rottweiler dogs.
(b) A room full of bookies.
(c) Three men playing cards.
(d) No one.

8. How many miles was Paul up to running by May?
(a) Three.
(b) Nine.
(c) Six.
(d) Five.

9. What idea does Patty come up with to solve the problem of Mel's henchmen in Chapter 13?
(a) That Spenser take Paul.
(b) That Paul go to live with his distant great-aunt in Ohio.
(c) That Susan adopt Paul.
(d) That Hawk take Paul into hiding.

10. In Chapter 18, where does Paul tell Spenser that he has never been?
(a) To Denver.
(b) To Philadelphia.
(c) To New York.
(d) To Miami.

11. Where do Paul and Spenser arrive at in Chapter 25?
(a) Mel Giacomin's insurance firm.
(b) Harry Crimoli's gym.
(c) Susan Silverman's office.
(d) Harry Cotton's car lot.

12. Which of the following projects does Spenser think will teach Paul to become independent and self-reliant?
(a) Building a house on Susan's property in Fryeburg, Maine.
(b) Going camping for a month in the wilds of the Maine woods.
(c) Moving out by himself.
(d) Growing his own food and living in a cabin in the Maine woods.

13. Who is already there when Spenser arrives at his destination in Chapter 13?
(a) Paul, Mel, and Buddy.
(b) Hawk, Buddy, and Harold.
(c) Susan, Patty, and Paul; Hawk arrives with Spenser.
(d) Mel, Buddy, and Harold.

14. What information did Spenser find out from the person whom he caught in Chapter 24?
(a) That Mel Giacomin was an assassin.
(b) That he knew Mel through Harry Cotten.
(c) That Patty Giacomin was a prostitute.
(d) That Paul was really the son of a powerful mobster.

15. What option does Spenser give Paul in Chapter 24?
(a) To stay with Susan instead of going with him.
(b) To live with him in the cabin.
(c) To go back home to his parents.
(d) To go away to school in London.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the answer to the visitor's demand in Chapter 22?

2. In Chapter 26, where do Paul and Spenser stay the first night?

3. In Chapter 19, what does Paul wear on Saturday morning?

4. On their trip to North Conway in Chapter 16, what does Spenser tell Paul is "against the rules"?

5. What favor does Spenser ask of Susan in Chapter 23?

(see the answer keys)

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