Early Autumn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Early Autumn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Spenser say about ballet dancers?
(a) That they are talentless hacks.
(b) That dancing is for girls.
(c) That they are fine athletes and gifted artists.
(d) That ballet dancing is a very admirable profession.

2. What is Spenser's solution to the problem discussed in Chapter 23?
(a) To blackmail Paul's parents.
(b) To use Elaine to find Mel.
(c) There is no solution.
(d) To look into boarding schools.

3. What is Paul's response to Spenser's plans for the property?
(a) That they are crazy, and that Spenser is crazy.
(b) He does not believe that Spenser can do it. He also says that he does not want to help.
(c) That Spenser has a good plan and that Paul wants to help.
(d) Paul shrugs and says that he does not care.

4. Where do Paul and Spenser arrive at in Chapter 25?
(a) Harry Crimoli's gym.
(b) Harry Cotton's car lot.
(c) Susan Silverman's office.
(d) Mel Giacomin's insurance firm.

5. Where does Spenser catch a ride to in Chapter 13?
(a) Patty's house in Lexington.
(b) Susan's house in Smithfield.
(c) Mel's house in Andover.
(d) Spenser's apartment in Boston.

6. What does the man at the desk threaten to do in Chapter 25?
(a) To kidnap Susan.
(b) To burglarize Spenser's office.
(c) To kill Spenser if he does not stay out of his business.
(d) To keep Paul for ransom.

7. Who is Mortimer Snerd?
(a) A ventriloquist's dummy.
(b) A cartoon character.
(c) A nerdy TV personality.
(d) An author.

8. When Paul asks Spenser about his fighting career, he asks if he could have been a champion; and Spenser says no. What is Spenser's reasoning for that answer?
(a) Because he got too old to train properly.
(b) Because he was in a different league than champions.
(c) Because he did not want to be a champion.
(d) Because he injured his knee and could not fight anymore.

9. Who is already there when Spenser arrives at his destination in Chapter 13?
(a) Paul, Mel, and Buddy.
(b) Hawk, Buddy, and Harold.
(c) Susan, Patty, and Paul; Hawk arrives with Spenser.
(d) Mel, Buddy, and Harold.

10. Why does Susan feel the way that she does about the idea of Paul being away from his parents and learning self-reliance?
(a) Because she had a child that she had to give up, and she still hurts over that decision.
(b) Because she was separated from her parents when she was young, and she feels that it was a detriment to the rest of her life.
(c) Because as a guidance counselor, she knows how necessary it is for a child to be with their parents, even if the parents are abusive.
(d) Because she knows how difficult it is to raise children with issues like Paul's; and she doubts that there is any possibility of change.

11. On their trip to North Conway in Chapter 16, what does Spenser tell Paul is "against the rules"?
(a) Running away from home.
(b) Not learning to be a man.
(c) Lying to Spenser.
(d) Speaking badly of another person's beloved.

12. When does Paul set out on his journey of self-discovery and growth?
(a) In September.
(b) In July.
(c) In August.
(d) In May.

13. Where do Paul and Spenser stop to eat in Chapter 15?
(a) At a drive-thru McDonald's on their way out of Massachusetts.
(b) At a burger joint called "JB's" in Maine.
(c) A restaurant called "Horsefeathers" in North Conway, New Hampshire.
(d) At a diner called "Babe's" in Connecticut.

14. What does Spenser tell Paul that they are going to do with Susan's rural property?
(a) Cut down all of the trees and clear the land.
(b) Cultivate the land to grow crops.
(c) Hunt, fish, and trap.
(d) Live in one cabin and build a better one.

15. In Chapter 13, what is Spenser's response to the solution that Patty comes up with regarding living arrangements for Paul?
(a) He agrees to take Paul.
(b) He thinks that Ohio is a good place for Paul, since he does not want to live with either parent.
(c) He is not sure that Susan is ready for a child.
(d) He is ecstatic about Hawk taking Paul into hiding.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Mel's access to "leg breakers" concern Spenser?

2. What does Spenser need to learn more than anything else if he is to survive?

3. In Chapter 15, what does Spenser discover about Paul's strength when they are moving their gear and settling in?

4. In Chapter 17, when Paul asks Spenser why he cannot just leave him alone, what is Spenser's answer?

5. What is already built on Susan's rural property?

(see the answer keys)

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