Early Autumn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Early Autumn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the setting of the first paragraph of Chapter 6?
(a) Soldier Field.
(b) Lexington, Massachusetts.
(c) Times Square.
(d) Madison Square Garden.

2. What did Paul say about his own father and cooking?
(a) That Mel said that he would teach Paul to cook one day.
(b) That he would like to learn.
(c) That Mel cooked all the time.
(d) That he never did it, and that he said it was for girls.

3. Who leaves with the narrator in Chapter 3?
(a) Patty Giacomin.
(b) Elaine Brooks.
(c) Paul Giacomin.
(d) Mel Giacomin.

4. In Chapter 8, how long was the time period that Spenser was gone following breakfast?
(a) About two hours.
(b) All day.
(c) Four hours.
(d) About an hour and fifteen minutes.

5. In Chapter 7, what does Patty tell Spenser has happened to Paul?
(a) That a strange man approached Paul on his way home from school, and told him that his father wanted to see him. When Paul would not go with him, the man got out of his car and started to chase him.
(b) That Paul tried to run away to his father's house.
(c) That the person whom she hired to babysit Paul while she was out, turned out to be one of Mel's henchmen who tried to kidnap Paul.
(d) That his father came to Paul's school and tried to take him out of class.

6. Who is the tall man with the boot camp crew-cut and a navy watch cap who entered Patty's house?
(a) Harry.
(b) Buddy.
(c) Hawk.
(d) Harold.

7. In Chapter 4, what does the passenger say about the narrator's muscles?
(a) That they are ugly.
(b) That they are impressive.
(c) That they are fake.
(d) That they are wimpy.

8. Who was at home with Patty when Spenser and Paul arrived in Chapter 5?
(a) Susan Silverman.
(b) Mel Giacomin.
(c) Harry Cotton.
(d) Stephen Court.

9. When Patty leaves for New York, what does Paul do?
(a) Build some cabinets for the house.
(b) Stay with a friend.
(c) Build a model sailboat.
(d) Watch TV.

10. What does Spenser wonder about the female jogger in the beige and blue exercise outfit?
(a) Whether he could ask her for her phone number.
(b) Whether she was wealthy or poor?
(c) Whether she would jog with him if he were to offer her money and power.
(d) Whether she was married or living with someone.

11. Who does Spenser call on to help him during the hostage situation in Chapter 12?
(a) Hawk.
(b) Henry.
(c) Harold.
(d) Buddy.

12. What habit does the passenger have that drives the narrator absolutely crazy during their car ride in Chapter 4?
(a) He shrugs his shoulders in response to almost every question that he is asked.
(b) He shakes his head and says that he does not know the answer to every question that he is asked.
(c) He chain smokes.
(d) He will not talk and blinks alot.

13. What does Spenser do for dinner the first night that Patty is away in New York?
(a) He stops by a deli on his way home and picks up some sandwiches.
(b) He gets take-out from a Chinese restarurant just down the corner from his office.
(c) He orders out for pizza.
(d) He makes pork chops with pineapple cream sauce, rice, and a salad.

14. Who were some of the narrator's new neighbors?
(a) Brooks Brothers, a bank, Bonwit Teller, Police Headquarters, and an ad agency.
(b) A dancer, a lawyer, a restaurant, and a newspaper agency.
(c) A nosy old lady, a card shark, a lawyer, and a bar.
(d) A bookie and a fortune teller.

15. What new character is introduced in Chapter 6?
(a) Buddy.
(b) Harry.
(c) Susan.
(d) Hawk.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the narrator buy at Bloomingdale's?

2. Who is the narrator?

3. When they arrive at the house in Chapter 4, how does the passenger enter the house?

4. What book is Spenser reading in Chapter 7?

5. What did the narrator accomplish by visiting the woman in Chapter 2?

(see the answer keys)

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