Early Autumn Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Early Autumn Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 7 trhough 12.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 10, what does Patty do in response to Paul's comments about her thoughts on the reality of modern women?
(a) Looking into her coffee cup, she says nothing,
(b) She is quiet for some time, and finally acknowledges that he has a point.
(c) She knocks over her half-full cup of coffee and its saucer off the table and onto the floor; and leaves the kitchen for her bedroom, slamming the door.
(d) She begins to cry, and runs out of the kitchen and into her bedroom, slamming the door.

2. What is the first question that the narrator asks the passenger in Chapter 4 after leaving the house?
(a) "Name's Spenser with an S, like the Poet. I'm in the Boston Book. Under Tough. Heard of me?"
(b) "Smart. I like a man who gets out of a marriage gracefully. Don't you?"
(c) "Who would you rather live with, your mother or your father?
(d) "Package for Ms. Brooks. She 'ere?"

3. In Chapter 8, when Patty and Spenser are talking at the breakfast table, what conclusion does Spenser come to about Patty, Mel, and Paul's relationship?
(a) That they could really be a happy family if they all tried a little harder.
(b) That Paul is a trophy that Mel and Patty fight over to hurt each other; and that neither really care about Paul's well-being.
(c) That the three of them should go to counseling and work out their issues.
(d) That the divorce really was the most healthy outcome for the family.

4. When Patty leaves for New York, what does Paul do?
(a) Build some cabinets for the house.
(b) Watch TV.
(c) Build a model sailboat.
(d) Stay with a friend.

5. What does Spenser wonder about the female jogger in the beige and blue exercise outfit?
(a) Whether he could ask her for her phone number.
(b) Whether she would jog with him if he were to offer her money and power.
(c) Whether she was wealthy or poor?
(d) Whether she was married or living with someone.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 7, what is Patty's "plan" for Spenser?

2. Who is the short, dumpy, barrel-bodied man with the ugly wig and an auburn Dynel ski cap who entered Patty's house?

3. Who is inside the building that the narrator enters in Chapter 3?

4. When Patty leaves for New York, what does Spenser do?

5. After the eviction, what was the narrator's new address?

(see the answer key)

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