The Eagle of the Ninth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Eagle of the Ninth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What word refers to an ancient Roman silver coin, originally worth ten asses?
(a) Pence.
(b) Denarius.
(c) Dinar.
(d) Cockle.

2. Where does Marcus recall having seen Cottia before when he meets her in Chapter 7?
(a) At the Saturnalia Games.
(b) At the Roman temple.
(c) At the bakery.
(d) At her mother's wedding.

3. What does Cottia say her aunt and uncle call her in Chapter 7?
(a) Coty.
(b) Camilla.
(c) Caron.
(d) Celeste.

4. What word from the novel refers to Celtic peoples inhabiting present day France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Switzerland and other areas of Europe?
(a) Vikings.
(b) Long-hairs.
(c) Gauls.
(d) Pilum.

5. What word from Chapter 3 refers to a javelin that was commonly used by the Roman army and generally was about six feet long?
(a) Chariot.
(b) Arbetum.
(c) Pilum.
(d) Scythe.

6. What Legion "had been Marcus's shining goal for as long as he could remember" (9) according to the narrator in Chapter 1?
(a) An Egyptian Legion.
(b) A British Legion.
(c) A German Legion.
(d) A Greek Legion.

7. What is the name of Uncle Aquila's old Greek body-slave?
(a) Tartarus.
(b) Stephanos.
(c) Lutorius.
(d) Typhon.

8. What kind of war does Centurion Quintus Hilarion say is "ever the most deadly kind, for it recks nothing of consequences" (15) in Chapter 1?
(a) "Holy war."
(b) "Global war."
(c) "Direct-contact war."
(d) "War of revenge."

9. What shapes on the shield-boss does Esca say expresses the nature of his people in Chapter 7?
(a) Curves.
(b) Straight lines.
(c) Zig-zags.
(d) Flowers.

10. What Centurion does the narrator say is overfond of using his vine-staff on his men's backs in Chapter 2?
(a) Centurion Paulus.
(b) Centurion Aquila.
(c) Centurion Lutorius.
(d) Centurion Pilus Prior.

11. What display of submission does Cub show when he returns home in Chapter 9?
(a) He rolls on his back and exposes his belly to him.
(b) He puts his lowered head between Marcus's knees.
(c) He licks Marcus's feet.
(d) He goes and brings Marcus his slippers.

12. Where was Uncle Aquila when his time fell due for parting with the Eagles?
(a) Egypt.
(b) Judaea.
(c) Roman Britain.
(d) China.

13. What beloved game of Legionairies and gladiators does Marcus teach Cottia in Chapter 8?
(a) "Flash the Fingers."
(b) "Hide and Seek."
(c) "Jump and Run."
(d) "Peek-a-Boo."

14. How long does Uncle Aquila say it has been since he has been to Eburacum in Chapter 10?
(a) 16 years.
(b) 25 years.
(c) 12 years.
(d) 15 years.

15. What does Marcus offer in a bet to Cradoc in Chapter 2?
(a) A ring.
(b) A bird.
(c) A brooch.
(d) A pocketwatch.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the age difference between Uncle Aquila and Marcus's father?

2. What does the spear that Esca carries mark him as, according to the narrator in Chapter 6?

3. What city now sits at the location of the historic Eburacum?

4. What former Roman province is Marcus setting out for in his mission in Chapter 10?

5. What was Cottia's father doing when he was killed?

(see the answer keys)

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