Durango Street Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Durango Street Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. The Moors make plans to steal liquor from the grocery, but Rufus becomes nervous and leads them where instead?

2. Observing what he does about the Gassers' dates, what does Rufus also see those Gassers doing?

3. As the Gassers run in fear, the Moors exit their hideouts and do what?

4. Simon has a girl's pigtail connected on display where?

5. How do the Moors get a discount on the usual premises fee?

Short Essay Questions

1. What transpires when Alex Robbins later stops by Rufus Henry's home after the graduation celebration?

2. What do Sergeant Starkey and Alex Robbins discuss in their private conversation subsequent to Rufus Henry destroying Simon Jones' car?

3. What do Rufus Henry, Ernie Brown, and Alex Robbins say to each other on the ride home from the neighborhood field following Rufus fighting Simon Jones?

4. How does Rufus Henry gain possession of the Gassers' car and destroy it?

5. What happens when Simon Jones takes Rufus Henry's scrapbook from a bag and asks Ernie Brown to autograph it?

6. What type of trouble does Rufus Henry initially encounter with the rifle that Willie obtains?

7. Why does Rufus Henry go to the residence of the leader of the Bloods, Pelican Smith?

8. What takes place when Rufus Henry notices the arrival of Simon Jones and his date?

9. What is Rufus Henry's reaction the next time Nonie Emrey and Judy Williams discuss the Moors sponsoring a graduation celebration?

10. On Friday night of the graduation celebration, what does Rufus Henry observe as he makes his way to the event with his date?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In what ways does Rufus Henry display his cleverness in retaliating against the Gassers for attacking his sister? What sort of trap does he set up? How does he get them to fall into that trap? What reward do the Moors achieve? What risk do they take? How wise is it on Rufus' part to take such a risk?

Essay Topic 2

What transpires during the questioning of the Moors gang members the morning after their attack on the Gassers near the freeway where Simon Jones' vehicle is set on fire? What new items does Sergeant Starkey learn as a result of his interview of the gang? What new items does Rufus Henry learn from the questioning? While the gang members remain close-lipped, what does Sergeant Starkey let the Moors know he is aware of? What is the outcome of the police questioning?

Essay Topic 3

Rufus Henry recognizes that he wants to attend college, but to do so requires him to obtain a scholarship. What sports scholarship does Rufus seek? What steps is Rufus following toward achieving that goal? What dietary procedures is he pursuing? What sort of employment does Rufus feel he must obtain in order to develop his muscles?

(see the answer keys)

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