Durango Street Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Durango Street Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Rufus manages to hold his own against Bantu, forcing him to drop his knife, and then what?

2. Which two Moors members does Alex Robbins learn exhibit high potential?

3. Mr. Rubio inquires how Rufus feels about his father, and gets what reply?

4. After settling alone in his room, Rufus makes sure his Ernie Brown scrapbook is where?

5. Who does Rufus meet at the bus depot?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Rufus Henry deal with Idell subsequent to Rufus' fight with Bantu Motley?

2. En route to the store, what quickly happens when Rufus Henry and his sister encounter a carload of gang members?

3. At the beginning of the novel, during his weekly meeting with Rufus Henry, how does social worker Mr. Rubio attempt to let Rufus know he is aware of his Ernie Brown scrapbook?

4. In the weekly conversation that social worker Mr. Rubio has with Rufus Henry where they discuss his Ernie Brown scrapbook, what news does he relay to Rufus?

5. Why is the house in the Durango Housing Project not one in which Rufus Henry will feel at home?

6. Before leaving the crafts center, how does Rufus Henry manage to embarrass himself when Alex Robbins attempts to find out if the Moors have an interest in watching the Marauders practice?

7. At the beginning of Durango Street, what is it Rufus Henry's parole officer, Ed Travers, initially ensures?

8. What transpires when Bantu Motley initially leaves jail and meets up with Moors members at the Happy Spot?

9. How is it that Rufus Henry displays his practical side when initially encountering the Gassers gang?

10. In the opening chapters, what type of picture does author Frank Bonham paint of Rufus Henry's new environment in the Durango Housing Project?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Why is it that the Moors youths do not initially trust social worker Alex Robbins from the Group Service Council? Do they recognize that he understands the boys' fears? Do they understand that he means to be helpful? How do they display their distrust? Consider how positive attention, coming from this fatherly figure, surprises youths having no fathers in the picture.

Essay Topic 2

What are the ways in which Frank Bonham demonstrates that Rufus Henry's maintenance of an emotionless façade is critical to him? How are sunglasses a significant symbol in this story? In what fashion does Rufus unnerve his opponents in fights? Why does Rufus attempt to hide his appreciation of Ernie Brown as a football hero, although the other youths are clearly his fans?

Essay Topic 3

Explain why Rufus Henry joins the Moors gang when his parole officer, Ed Travers, has advised him that one stipulation of Rufus' parole is that he is required to stay unassociated with any gangs. Is it a necessary move on Rufus' part? What negative impact might it have? What alternate routes might Rufus have taken?

(see the answer keys)

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