Dune Messiah Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dune Messiah Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the hunting language that Paul and Stilgar use?
(a) Gesseretian.
(b) Renesa.
(c) Chakobsa.
(d) Amamakan.

2. What does Korba say there aren't as many of anymore?
(a) Resisters
(b) Gods
(c) Sandworms
(d) Planets to conquer

3. What is Irulan's relationship to Paul?
(a) She is his sister.
(b) She is his wife.
(c) She is the caretaker of his children.
(d) She is in love with him.

4. What did Farok want to see when he enlisted?
(a) The death of his enemies
(b) The universe in its entirety
(c) The sea
(d) Wealth

5. What is Farok's son missing?
(a) His hair
(b) His legs
(c) His arms
(d) His eyes

6. The tiles on the floor form the image of ________________.
(a) A bayou.
(b) A an attacking sandworm.
(c) The night sky.
(d) A series of dunes.

7. What is the city surrounded by?
(a) All of the above
(b) Blowing sand
(c) A shield wall
(d) The desert

8. What type of suit does Paul wear?
(a) A stillsuit
(b) A watersuit
(c) A staysuit
(d) A droughtsuit

9. What did the Fremen name Paul?
(a) Morej
(b) Usul
(c) Kasl
(d) Jarl

10. Who killed the Baron Harkonnen?
(a) Paul.
(b) Alia.
(c) Feyd-Rautha Rabban.
(d) Stilgar.

11. What is the Tleilaxu system of honor?
(a) They never harm women or children.
(b) They do not have any honor.
(c) They never kill their victims in cold blood.
(d) They must always allow their victim a way to escape.

12. What is the proper name of Dune?
(a) Alderan
(b) Magrathea
(c) Arrakis
(d) Harkonnen

13. What does one hope to find in the emperor when meeting with him, according to Stilgar?
(a) Faults.
(b) Salvation.
(c) Vengeance.
(d) Peace.

14. What does Alia say you do not to do people when you want them to remain peaceful?
(a) Turn them against each other.
(b) Betray their trust.
(c) Give them too much spice.
(d) Back them into a corner.

15. Who sacrificed himself so that Paul and the Lady Jessica could live?
(a) Gurney Halleck
(b) Duncan Idaho
(c) Chani
(d) The Baron Harkonnen

Short Answer Questions

1. What has Paul returned from?

2. What does Paul say there are always limits to?

3. What do supplicants always track into the Sacred Chamber?

4. What did Paul experience when he first envisioned the Jihad?

5. Who is the woman's father?

(see the answer keys)

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