Dune Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dune Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Baron use to control Hawat?
(a) His mind
(b) Spice
(c) Whiskey
(d) Poison

2. What does Feyd-Rautha have on his right hip?
(a) Duke Leto's photograph
(b) A flip dart
(c) A bottle of spice
(d) A Fremen's ear

3. What troop name does Stilger give to Paul?
(a) Dumpster
(b) Usul
(c) Lisan al-Gaib
(d) Lowry

4. Whose dream do the Fremen carry out?
(a) Duke Leto's
(b) Chani's
(c) Paul's
(d) Liet-Kynes'

5. For what is the word sound, the Bene Gesserit implant, used?
(a) To change an opponent's mind waves
(b) To disable dangerous people
(c) To burst a person's eardrums
(d) To create a storm

6. What does the color white mean?
(a) Power
(b) Royalty
(c) Poison
(d) Clarity

7. What is the mortality rate of the prisoners?
(a) 25%
(b) 80%
(c) 45%
(d) 60%

8. How many deciliters of water does the pool hold?
(a) 38
(b) 38 billion
(c) 38 thousand
(d) 38 million

9. How many gladiatorial slaves has Feyd-Rautha killed?
(a) 75
(b) 100
(c) 150
(d) 50

10. How does Paul want to punish Mohiam?
(a) Enslave her
(b) Strangle her
(c) Imprison her
(d) Banish her

11. Of what does the food Chani gives Paul smell?
(a) Cigarettes
(b) Flowers
(c) Herbs
(d) Spice

12. What kind of weapon does Feyd-Rautha hold in his right hand?
(a) A pistol
(b) A long knife
(c) A poisoned dart
(d) A short balde

13. Who is Staban Tuek's father?
(a) Gurney
(b) Leto
(c) Esmer
(d) The Baron

14. What is the name of the new religious leader on Arrakis?
(a) Sardauker
(b) Muad'Dib
(c) Secundas
(d) Nefud

15. Who does Stilgar say has value and potential?
(a) Paul
(b) The Baron
(c) Himself
(d) Jessica

Short Answer Questions

1. How many ancient forces are there in each person?

2. What do the smugglers offer Halleck?

3. What does Paul say is within every person?

4. Who does Paul tell Channi has been listening?

5. How does a Bene Gesserit's body cope with poisoning?

(see the answer keys)

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