The Duchess of Malfi Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Duchess of Malfi Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Ferdinand believes the Duchess's reputation is ruined because:
(a) Antonio has been stealing from her, and she never figured it out.
(b) She is out of money.
(c) No one knows she is married, so it doesn't matter if she's secretly married or not.
(d) She has had so many children so young.

2. What item does Bosola give Ferdinand at the end of the Act 3, Scene 1?
(a) A letter
(b) A small bag of gold
(c) A key
(d) A dagger

3. When Ferdinand confronts the Duchess about having children, who does he think is their father?
(a) The Cardinal
(b) Delio
(c) He still doesn't know.
(d) The Count

4. What rumor about Antonio and the Duchess is circulating among the common people?
(a) That the Duchess is very sick.
(b) That the Duchess is a prostitute.
(c) That the Duchess is cruel and mean.
(d) That the Duchess has 2 husbands.

5. Why is Antonio afraid when the Duchess leaves so quickly after eating the fruit Bosola gave her?
(a) Because she might discover he is stealing her money.
(b) Because she is going into labor before she could be taken somewhere else.
(c) Because he thinks she is cheating on him with someone else.
(d) Because he doesn't want her to die.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ferdinand tell the Duchess she must do if she is to keep her husband alive?

2. What reason did Julia give her husband for coming to Rome?

3. What does Delio tell Julia about her husband?

4. When Ferdinand returns to the Duchess's court and speaks with her about her children, what does the Duchess think?

5. Antonio tells Bosola that Bosola is the chief suspect in:

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the birth of the Duchess's son mean?

2. What does the Cardinal take violently from the Duchess? What does this tell us of his intentions?

3. How does the Duchess react when she sees her husband and children (supposedly) murdered?

4. What does the Duchess think will happen with her plan of sending Antonio away as punishment for supposedly stealing from her?

5. How does Ferdinand react when Bosola tells him that the Duchess has been murdered?

6. Why are there so many rumors flying around the palace in Act 2, Scene 2?

7. After witnessing the distribution of his own stolen land, Antonio decides to confront the Cardinal. Before he leaves, Delio makes a comment about his loyalty to Antonio. What does Delio say?

8. Why does Bosola have such a low opinion of Antonio?

9. What does the Duchess think of her brothers at the beginning of the play?

10. Both Ferdinand and the Cardinal react strongly to the news of their sister's baby. Who reacts in a more gruesome manner? Please refer to the text in your answer.

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