The Duchess of Malfi Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Duchess of Malfi Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Bosola learns of the Cardinal's plans to kill him by:
(a) The Cardinal told him directly.
(b) Overhearing him.
(c) A dropped letter he found.
(d) A letter Antonio sent him.

2. The Cardinal's career change is best described as:
(a) Expected
(b) Very normal for someone of his wealth.
(c) Surprising
(d) A fantastic and unexpected promotion.

3. What has happened to the number of the Duchess and Antonio's servants after Antonio and the Duchess leave Malfi?
(a) It has increased, because the Duchess received all of the Cardinal's old servants.
(b) It has stayed more or less the same.
(c) It has decreased as the servants have fled.
(d) It has increased as the servants took pity on them.

4. Antonio says he does not want to live his life "by halves." What does this mean?
(a) That he needs to get servants to help around the house.
(b) That he doesn't want to live in hiding and in fear.
(c) That he wants to be rich again.
(d) That he wants to remarry.

5. After learning that the Cardinal is giving away Antonio's property, Antonio decides to try to:
(a) Sneak into the Cardinal's room that night.
(b) Frighten the Cardinal into a reconciliation.
(c) All of these answers are correct.
(d) Die trying to reconcile if the Cardinal won't budge.

6. How is the Duchess murdered?
(a) By hanging
(b) By stabbing
(c) By strangulation
(d) By poison

7. What role do the pilgrims play toward the end of the scene where the Cardinal resigns his position?
(a) They serve as means of showing what the townsfolk think of what has happened.
(b) They serve as extras in the scene.
(c) They are a distraction from all of the action.
(d) They have no role since they never talk.

8. Ancona is the name of:
(a) The Duchess's sister.
(b) The town the Duchess and her family are banished from.
(c) The Duchess's mother.
(d) The Duchess's daughter.

9. How does Pescara respond to the request in the letter?
(a) He decides to think about it overnight.
(b) He is outraged over it, and refuses to do anything.
(c) He grants it.
(d) He burns the letter.

10. During her imprisonment, what does the Duchess declare is the worst kind of torture?
(a) Physical torture
(b) Sleep deprivation
(c) Being ignored
(d) Emotional torture

11. What do the final comments from the pilgrims foreshadow?
(a) That the Duchess's daughter will get the plague.
(b) War from a neighboring country.
(c) The happiness in the future for Antonio and the Duchess.
(d) Antonio's impending doom.

12. The Duchess tells Antonio about a dream she has. What does she describe happens in the dream?
(a) The family reclaims its honor.
(b) The diamonds in her crown are changed to pearls.
(c) The Duchess becomes queen.
(d) The family takes a boat trip somewhere.

13. Which community members does Ferdinand round up as part of his sister's torture?
(a) Local soldiers trained in physical torture
(b) Sick people from the village
(c) Madmen from the local hospital
(d) Priests to remind her of her sins

14. The Cardinal makes Pescara, Malateste, Roderigo, and Grisolan promise him something, so that he can dispose of Julia's body. What is it?
(a) That they will not enter his room, no matter what sounds they hear.
(b) That they will leave the castle and never return.
(c) That they will work to get him reinstated in the church.
(d) That they will go to church and pray for him through the night.

15. What do the pilgrims think about what the Cardinal does to the Duchess and her family?
(a) That it is completely warranted.
(b) All of these answers are correct.
(c) That it is cruel and out of proportion.
(d) That it should have happened a long time ago.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who kills Antonio?

2. What women are involved in the scheming of Act 3, Scene 3?

3. What kind of plot are the men planning when Act 3, Scene 3 first opens?

4. How does Antonio die?

5. How does Ferdinand believe the Duchess should be punished?

(see the answer keys)

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