The Duchess of Malfi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Duchess of Malfi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the relationship between the Duchess and Antonio?
(a) They truly love each other.
(b) All answers listed here are correct.
(c) They have children together.
(d) They are married in secret.

2. Initially, who is the Duchess is engaged to marry:
(a) the Cardinal
(b) Bosola
(c) No one
(d) Ferdinand

3. At the beginning of the play, we learn that the Duchess:
(a) Is engaged to be married
(b) Is too old to ever get married
(c) Is a young widow
(d) Is married with 3 children

4. What is the Duchess supposed to do with the item Ferdinand gives her?
(a) Kill herself.
(b) Place them around her room.
(c) Wear them at the next nobility event.
(d) He doesn't give her anything.

5. What does Delio pledge to Antonio before he departs for abroad?
(a) That he'll never return
(b) His daughter for marriage when she's old enough
(c) That he'll bring back an army
(d) His loyalty

6. What confirmed information does Bosola have in Act 2, Scene 2, that he didn't have before?
(a) That the Duchess is pregnant.
(b) That the Duchess and Antonio are married.
(c) That Antonio is stealing from the Duchess.
(d) That the Duchess's brothers are on their way back.

7. What does Ferdinand tell the Duchess she must do if she is to keep her husband alive?
(a) Go to confession at church.
(b) Divorce him.
(c) Acknowledge him publicly as her husband.
(d) Lock him in a cell.

8. What does Delio ask Julia to do for him?
(a) Become his mistress.
(b) Murder the Cardinal.
(c) Spy on Ferdinand.
(d) Run away with him.

9. What does Ferdinand promise to do upon hearing the news?
(a) Kill the Duchess, her lover, and her child .
(b) Send money to the Duchess.
(c) Visit the Duchess as soon as possible.
(d) Never speak to the Duchess again.

10. How does Bosola treat the Old Lady when he catches her in a hurry?
(a) Kindly: he apologizes for his rudeness last time they met.
(b) Cruelly: he lets her know that he knows about the Duchess's pregnancy.
(c) Suspiciously: he thinks she may have just stolen something.
(d) Excitedly: she has come to meet him in secret.

11. After the proposal, the Duchess and Antonio:
(a) Send Cariola for a priest.
(b) Run to tell her brothers before they've gone too far.
(c) Declare their marriage with Cariola as a witness.
(d) Elope to Paris.

12. Antonio first describes the Duchess as:
(a) Beautiful, good, and noble
(b) Not well respected by the people who know her
(c) Not very smart and in need of guidance
(d) Mean, scheming, and vengeful

13. What does Antonio do to make sure no one knows what is happening with the Duchess?
(a) Lies and announces that she has died.
(b) Gives her a sleeping potion.
(c) Orders all of the court gates shut.
(d) Sends her away.

14. Where does Antonio send Delio?
(a) Athens
(b) London
(c) Paris
(d) Rome

15. In Act 2, Scene 2, what major secret does Bosola still not know?
(a) That the Duchess had twins.
(b) That Antonio and the Duchess are secretly married.
(c) Nothing: Bosola knows all the secrets of everyone.
(d) That Antonio is stealing the Duchess's money.

Short Answer Questions

1. Antonio and Delio are:

2. The Duchess hires Bosola because:

3. Antonio is worried about what with the Duchess's brothers?

4. What does Bosola do upon finding Antonio's dropped item outside of the Duchess's door?

5. Why is the Old Lady in such a hurry?

(see the answer keys)

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