Dry Test | Final Test - Easy

Augusten Burroughs
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Dry Test | Final Test - Easy

Augusten Burroughs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 9, Hayden tells Augusten that Foster is becoming a what?
(a) Addict.
(b) Distraction.
(c) Drug.
(d) Support.

2. In Chapter 11, Foster is staying with Augusten until when?
(a) He finds a new apartment.
(b) Christmas.
(c) He gets a job.
(d) He leaves for rehab.

3. What ailment does Augusten's mother still suffer from?
(a) A pinched nerve.
(b) An embolism.
(c) A peptic ulcer.
(d) A stroke.

4. What absent person does Augusten say hello to at the very end of the novel?
(a) Hayden.
(b) His father.
(c) Foster.
(d) Pighead.

5. What did Hayden do instead of drinking in Chapter 9?
(a) He went to sleep.
(b) He went to a meeting.
(c) He called his sponsor.
(d) He sat in a park.

6. What is suspicious about Rick's comment about a campaign idea in Chapter 8?
(a) Augusten never told him about the idea.
(b) Rick has been removed from the account.
(c) The idea has already been rejected.
(d) The idea was approved by everyone else.

7. What do Hayden and Augusten see their last night together?
(a) An action movie.
(b) A Wagner concert.
(c) A Broadway musical.
(d) A Chelsea gallery opening.

8. What item reminds Greer in Chapter 10 to re-size ads?
(a) A bus.
(b) A billboard.
(c) A big-screen television.
(d) A TV Guide.

9. What role for Pighead does Augusten take over in Chapter 12?
(a) Dogsitter.
(b) Caregiver.
(c) Boyfriend.
(d) Executor of estate.

10. Near the end of Chapter 7, why does Augusten arrive late to group?
(a) He stops for a dirnk in a bar.
(b) He kisses Foster.
(c) He helps an old man to his apartment.
(d) He oversleeps.

11. Who leaves a message on Augusten's machine in Chapter 14?
(a) Pighead.
(b) A psychiatrist.
(c) A jeweler.
(d) Greer.

12. In Chapter 9, what does Hayden say nearly triggered a relapse for him?
(a) Knowing that Augusten is sleeping with Foster.
(b) Hearing that Foster is smoking crack.
(c) Running into an ex.
(d) Not getting the music editing job.

13. What do Greer and Augusten need to approve at the beer commercial set in Chapter 10?
(a) Wardrobe.
(b) Extras.
(c) Filters.
(d) Lighting.

14. In Chapter 11, what does Wendy encourage Augusten to do?
(a) Return to group therapy.
(b) Kick Foster out of his apartment.
(c) Return to rehab.
(d) Speak at AA.

15. What specific request do the Wiksam make regarding their ad campaign in Chapter 8?
(a) American imagery.
(b) German heritage.
(c) Sexy women.
(d) Beer steins.

Short Answer Questions

1. What symptom has returned to Pighead in Chapter 11?

2. Whom does Augusten think of in Chapter 7, as he watches Foster on the phone?

3. What happens when Augusten confronts Foster at the end of Chapter 8?

4. How close to taking a drink does Hayden get in Chapter 9?

5. In Chapter 14, Augusten gets drunk and reads what?

(see the answer keys)

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