Drop Shot Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Drop Shot Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Myron want from Courter's son?
(a) Seats to a ball game.
(b) To know what the police have in Valerie's file.
(c) More information about Errol Swade.
(d) Getting Dimonte off the Valerie case.

2. How does Ned Tunwell know Valerie?
(a) They worked together.
(b) They both applied for the same job.
(c) They were once lovers.
(d) They played tennis together.

3. What does Coben compare the players to when they enter the court?
(a) Losers.
(b) Commercials.
(c) Dough boys.
(d) Billboards.

4. How did the shooter kill Valerie?
(a) From behind a column.
(b) At close range through a tennis bag.
(c) From a tier up above.
(d) At close range through a handbag.

5. What does Esperanza claim that Errol and Curtis may have been out to steal from the country club?
(a) Tennis racquets of famous players.
(b) Cash.
(c) Trophies.
(d) Stereo equipment and a big screen TV.

Short Answer Questions

1. What TV character does Myron compare Pavel's body-guard to?

2. What does Aaron threaten Myron with if Myron doesn't end the investigation?

3. What does Myron want Courter to do for him?

4. What kind of a car does Myron drive?

5. What are Timmy and Myron doing when Jessica calls?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Senator Bradley Cross tell Myron after he gives him a check for one hundred dollars to retain him?

2. What transpires at the dinner meeting between Myron and a possible client, Eddie?

3. Why does Wanda show up at Myron's home?

4. During Myron's lunch with Sheriff Courter, what does Myron learn of the murderers of Alexander Cross?

5. What kind of a character is Win? What is his education? His profession? His financial standing? His attitude?

6. What happens when Myron calls Gregory Caufield to arrange a meeting with him?

7. What does the reader know of Valerie after the first five chapters of the book?

8. What happens during Myron's appointment with Dr. Abramson?

9. What kind of character is Myron? What is his education? His profession? His financial standing? His attitude?

10. What transpires between Myron and Dimonte after Myron finishes speaking with Roger at the precinct?

(see the answer keys)

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