Drop Shot Test | Final Test - Easy

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Drop Shot Test | Final Test - Easy

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Myron missing from his office that Esperanza replaces?
(a) Curtis' file.
(b) Duane's Rolodex card.
(c) Emmett's file.
(d) Lucinda's phone number.

2. How old were Valerie and Eddie when they met at Pavel's tennis camp?
(a) 9 and 16 respectively.
(b) 10 and 14 respectively.
(c) 14 and 10 respectively.
(d) 16 and 9 respectively.

3. What does Eddie tell Myron about Pavel's tennis camp?
(a) It was insanely difficult.
(b) It was competitive, but fun.
(c) It was like a game of King of the Mountain.
(d) It was like a shark tank.

4. When did Valerie discover that Duane was Curtis?
(a) At Myron's office when they had back to back appointments.
(b) As soon as she saw him play tennis.
(c) At the tennis academy.
(d) Right after the murder.

5. What news does Duane give Myron just before the last tennis match?
(a) Deanna is his mother.
(b) Valerie was his girlfriend.
(c) Pavel killed Valerie.
(d) Wanda left him.

6. How does Myron know what room number Jessica was in at the hotel?
(a) Win found out in his investigation.
(b) Jessica's mother told him.
(c) He investigated it himself to check on her.
(d) Aaron told him he was being intimidating.

7. What does Gregory finally tell Myron about Errol and Curtis and the night of Alexander's murder?
(a) Errol and Curtis went to cause trouble.
(b) The white boys jumped the black boys.
(c) The boys were only playing tennis.
(d) Alexander caused his own murder.

8. What does Peter cook for Myron that he says he hates?
(a) Snap peas.
(b) Chicken.
(c) Shrimp.
(d) Eggplant.

9. How does Myron get Gregory to talk to him at the tennis match?
(a) Win hits him.
(b) He threatens him.
(c) He sits next to him and the Senator.
(d) He corners him in the men's room.

10. Why does Deanna kill Valerie?
(a) Valerie knew who Duane was.
(b) Valerie tried to blackmail her.
(c) Valerie was in love with Duane.
(d) Valerie and Pavel were working together to bring Duane down.

11. What is Duane doing in the player's lounge when Myron visits him right before the match?
(a) Praying.
(b) Singing.
(c) Listening to music.
(d) Reading.

12. What two people saw the murderer up close?
(a) Valerie and Ned.
(b) Valerie and Gregory.
(c) Duane and Valerie.
(d) Ned and Duane.

13. What piece of information helped Myron put all the pieces of the case together?
(a) Jimmy Blaine's statement about the driver.
(b) Jake's statement about the autopsy.
(c) Duane's statement about tennis.
(d) Dr. Abramson's statement about Valerie.

14. Why did Valerie and Alexander break up?
(a) Alexander was not in love with Valerie anymore.
(b) Senator Cross made Alexander call it off.
(c) Henry told Alexander love was not good for his tennis game.
(d) Alexander was too prejudice for Valerie.

15. What further request does Myron make of Courter?
(a) He wants to have another lunch with Courter.
(b) He wants the autopsy report on Alexander.
(c) He wants a picture of Eroll.
(d) He wants information about Roger.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Frank willing to not harm Myron?

2. At the tennis match, what surprises Myron about Dr. Abramson?

3. What secret does Myron intend to keep?

4. Who killed Pavel?

5. What pushed Valerie over the edge?

(see the answer keys)

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