Drop Shot Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Drop Shot Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Deanna Yeller now live?
(a) On Long Island.
(b) In Philadelphia.
(c) In New York City.
(d) In the Jersey suburbs.

2. What question does Gerard have for Myron after he gives him the information about Valerie's shooter?
(a) "How is the career going?"
(b) "Where are out seats for next Saturday?"
(c) "Do you need anything else?"
(d) "How was lunch with dad?"

3. Whose sun glasses does Duane wear?
(a) Dolce & Gabanna.
(b) Guess.
(c) Ray-Ban.
(d) Nike.

4. Who recommended Myron to Eddie?
(a) Duane.
(b) Agassi.
(c) Gerard.
(d) Valerie.

5. How does Esperanza get an appointment for Myron with Valerie's shrink?
(a) She claims he is a famous television star.
(b) She claims he is a famous movie star.
(c) She claims he is a famous baseball player.
(d) She claims he is a famous tennis player.

6. At the end of Chapter 1, what do Myron and Win hear that make them go running?
(a) A baby crying.
(b) A car backfiring.
(c) A scream.
(d) A gun shot.

7. How does Kenneth react to Myron when Myron visits Valerie's home?
(a) He welcomes Myron.
(b) He does not invite Myron in.
(c) He invites Myron in against his wishes.
(d) He hesitates, but lets Myron in.

8. What does Courter tell Myron about Cross' killers?
(a) Both were placed in jail.
(b) One was never found.
(c) One was in jail and one got released.
(d) One was in jail and one was killed.

9. What was Fishnet hired to do according to him?
(a) Ruin Duane's career.
(b) Follow Duane.
(c) Follow Myron and report.
(d) Kill Myron.

10. When was the last time Pavel saw Valerie according to his answer to Myron's question?
(a) Not since she went to the hospital.
(b) On the day of her death.
(c) Two days ago.
(d) The year before.

11. Where did Myron go to law school?
(a) Brown.
(b) Harvard.
(c) Yale.
(d) Notre Dame.

12. Why is Gregory Caufield nice to Myron on the phone when Myron calls to set up an appointment?
(a) Gregory would like to work for Myron.
(b) Gregory is curious about Myron's investigation.
(c) Gregory has not seen Myron in years.
(d) Gregory is setting up a meeting for someone else.

13. Who is Roger Quincy?
(a) Valerie's half-brother.
(b) Valerie's friend.
(c) Valerie's lover.
(d) Valerie's stalker.

14. What famous person was denied the ability to live in the building where Dr. Abramson had her office?
(a) Dustin Hoffman.
(b) John Lennon.
(c) Madonna.
(d) Diane Keaton.

15. What does Dr. Abramson keep repeating to Myron during their session?
(a) " I have no comment."
(b) "I don't remember."
(c) " I refuse to talk of this matter."
(d) "I can neither confirm nor deny that Valerie Simpson was ever a patient of mine."

Short Answer Questions

1. Who did Myron meet on the way into Valerie's family home?

2. Who is waiting for Myron when he arrives back in his office after the incident at the stadium?

3. Why can't Dimonte and Krinsky grill Roger Quincy?

4. What kind of music do Myron and Win both collect?

5. What kind of a car does Myron drive?

(see the answer keys)

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