Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Although Jekyll is able to view the whole picture he denies that he has become...

2. What does Utterson say to Enfield after Jekyll's departure?

3. Jekyll is desperate for what?

4. Utterson and Poole go on a quest for what?

5. How much money was offered as a reward to find Carew's killer?

Short Essay Questions

1. While Utterson and Enfield are speaking to Jekyll, a sudden change comes over the doctor. What about Jekyll shocks Utterson?

2. After Lanyon died, Utterson received a sealed envelope from his old friend. How did Utterson react to the bequest from Lanyon?

3. What is it in Jekyll's response that does not convince Utterson or Poole that everything is all right?

4. Utterson decides to go to see Jekyll immediately. How does Jekyll react when Utterson tries to see him?

5. Jekyll's fall from grace was instigated by a particular interest. What was Jekyll's passion?

6. Although spectators were aghast, Jekyll did not know why. How did Jekyll avoid knowing how Hyde affected his image?

7. Jekyll claims that his house is not fit for company. What solution does Jekyll offer?

8. Why was Utterson so confused by Jekyll's return to seclusion?

9. Why was Utterson hesitant to bring up Lanyon's failing health?

10. Utterson and Enfield take a walk and decide to pay a visit to Jekyll. What time of day is it when the men visit Jekyll?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Poole was an important part of Jekyll's house for 20 years. It was Poole's experience that helped him see through Jekyll's attempts at fooling him into believing everything was okay. What might have happened if Poole had not doubted his master? How might the servants have reacted without Poole's leadership?

Essay Topic 2

The incident with Utterson and Enfield talking to Jekyll outside the window leads into a use of foreshadowing regarding Jekyll's health and well-being. Utterson and Enfield share a look of horror after Jekyll makes a hasty retreat. The author was trying to tell the reader something. Was the meaning clear? Explain your conclusions.

Essay Topic 3

Several of the characters describe Hyde as possessing a deformity without actually being deformed. What did the people mean by that statement? Was it a physical, emotional or spiritual malady? What about Hyde made him appear deformed?

(see the answer keys)

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