Driving Miss Daisy Test | Final Test - Medium

Alfred Uhry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Driving Miss Daisy Test | Final Test - Medium

Alfred Uhry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Daisy actually end up going to the banquet with?
(a) Hoke.
(b) Idella.
(c) Florine.
(d) No one.

2. What is Daisy supposed to be wearing when she first becomes disoriented?
(a) Very warm clothes in the middle of summer.
(b) A housecoat.
(c) Nothing.
(d) A robe only.

3. What is the name of the award that Boolie wins?
(a) Salesman of the Decade.
(b) Manager of the Week.
(c) Employee of the Month.
(d) Man of the Year.

4. On her way to Christmas dinner, what does Daisy say Florine would die before doing?
(a) Fixing a glass of ice tea for the temple sisterhood.
(b) Talk to her.
(c) Offer a chair to anyone who isn't as rich as she is.
(d) Talk to Hoke.

5. What is the name of Hoke's childhood friend whose father was lynched?
(a) Peter.
(b) Samuel.
(c) David.
(d) Porter.

Short Answer Questions

1. What TV show reminds Hoke of Idella whenever he sees it?

2. What church does Martin Luther King preach at?

3. What actually caused Daisy's car accident?

4. In what city is Daisy going to when she has Hoke drive her for her long trip?

5. Who does Daisy end up inviting to go with her to the banquet?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Boolie hire a chauffeur for Daisy?

2. To what is Hoke referring to when he mentions the "Geechee trash" in Savannah?

3. When was the first time Daisy saw the ocean?

4. What is the first "bad act" that Daisy accuses Florine of doing in the play?

5. How does Boolie react when he hears Daisy call Hoke "handy"?

6. When Hoke says that "always be the same ones" in response to Daisy's question about who bombed the temple, who does he mean?

7. Why does Daisy not like where Hoke picks her up from temple the first time?

8. Why does Hoke call Daisy "the best widow in the state of Georgia" while they are at the cemetery?

9. How does Hoke initially react to Daisy's declarations that she's not rich?

10. What does Daisy believe about the slower you go in a car?

(see the answer keys)

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