Driving Miss Daisy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Alfred Uhry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Driving Miss Daisy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Alfred Uhry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Daisy afraid of when she is disoriented?
(a) Not having her medical bag.
(b) Dying.
(c) Not being able to hail a taxi.
(d) Being trouble to someone.

2. What car does Hoke first buy for himself?
(a) Daisy's old car.
(b) A brand new Cadillac.
(c) The delivery truck he used to drive.
(d) A taxi cab because he has to work two jobs.

3. In what year did Driving Miss Daisy win the Pulitzer Prize?
(a) 2006.
(b) 1974.
(c) 1947.
(d) 1988.

4. Who is Sinclair Harris?
(a) Hoke's son.
(b) Daisy's grandson from another marriage.
(c) Boolie's cousin.
(d) Daisy's neighbor.

5. Who does Hoke call when Daisy first becomes disoriented?
(a) Idella.
(b) Boolie.
(c) Samuel.
(d) His wife.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Idella?

2. What is Hoke's last name?

3. Who does Daisy blame her car accident on?

4. What does Hoke mean when he says "Yassum" to Daisy?

5. What does Boolie miss in order to meet with Daisy and discuss the missing can of salmon?

Short Essay Questions

1. What exactly is a Pullman porter?

2. Why does Boolie hire a chauffeur for Daisy?

3. Why does Hoke decline Jeanette Harris's offer?

4. What does Hoke think his chauffeur job is originally going to entail?

5. When was the first time Daisy saw the ocean?

6. How does Boolie initially react to Daisy's concern about the missing salmon?

7. What is the "perpetual care" that Daisy mentions while at the cemetery with Hoke?

8. How does Daisy act during the first time Hoke takes her out in the car?

9. What does Hoke tell Boolie about how having people fight over him makes him feel?

10. What was Daisy's childhood like?

(see the answer keys)

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