Driving Miss Daisy Test | Final Test - Easy

Alfred Uhry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Driving Miss Daisy Test | Final Test - Easy

Alfred Uhry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When she begins to snap out of being disoriented, who does Daisy say is her best friend?
(a) Boolie.
(b) Her rabbi.
(c) Idella.
(d) Hoke.

2. Why does Daisy claim her students always liked her?
(a) Because she gave great tours of New York City.
(b) Because she was the best professor at the medical school.
(c) Because she always gave them their homework back the next day.
(d) Because she could sing and dance very, very well.

3. What gift does Boolie bring for the long trip his Mama is taking?
(a) A journal.
(b) Flowers.
(c) Chocolates.
(d) Notepaper.

4. What does Hoke tell Daisy might happen if she doesn't snap out of it when she is disoriented?
(a) That she'll have to go to the insane asylum.
(b) That she'll hurt herself or someone else.
(c) That she'll be arrested.
(d) That she'll get lost in New York.

5. Who is Boolie's father?
(a) George.
(b) Boolie is an orphan.
(c) Hoke.
(d) The reader never finds out.

6. What is Daisy supposed to be wearing when she first becomes disoriented?
(a) A robe only.
(b) A housecoat.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Very warm clothes in the middle of summer.

7. Who ends up heading over to help when Daisy is disoriented?
(a) Florine.
(b) Boolie.
(c) A neighbor.
(d) Idella.

8. To whom is Driving Miss Daisy dedicated?
(a) "My beloved wife."
(b) "Mama and Will."
(c) "To all the Miss Daisys out there."
(d) "Suzy."

9. Whose grave does Daisy diligently tend to in the cemetery?
(a) Random people's.
(b) Her husband's.
(c) Her daughter's.
(d) Her mother's.

10. Who else comes to clean out Daisy's house?
(a) Her church.
(b) Hoke's family.
(c) The neighbors.
(d) Goodwill.

11. What "loss" does Boolie talk about during the acceptance speech he gives when he wins his award?
(a) His loss of appetite.
(b) His loss the past three years.
(c) His loss of money.
(d) His loss of hair.

12. Why doesn't Boolie want to go to the banquet?
(a) Because he is sick.
(b) Because he can't afford it.
(c) Because he already has plans.
(d) Because doing so may harm his business.

13. Where is the banquet held?
(a) The State House.
(b) The Biltmore.
(c) Harris' Ranch.
(d) Downtown New York City.

14. In what year was Driving Miss Daisy originally performed?
(a) 1946.
(b) 2005.
(c) 1987.
(d) 1973.

15. Why does Daisy assume Hoke knows Martin Luther King?
(a) Because he's Black.
(b) Because he knows everyone in town.
(c) All of these answers are correct.
(d) Because he greatly admires him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Daisy think Hoke enjoys Christmas at Boolie and Florine's?

2. Why does Boolie call to check on Daisy during the ice storm?

3. Who does Daisy blame her car accident on?

4. Who does Hoke call when Daisy first becomes disoriented?

5. What stage cue does Driving Miss Daisy frequently use to change scenes?

(see the answer keys)

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