Drinking: A Love Story Test | Final Test - Easy

Caroline Knapp
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Drinking: A Love Story Test | Final Test - Easy

Caroline Knapp
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Knapp react to the AA meeting?
(a) She rejects AA.
(b) She warily makes a few friends.
(c) She breaks down and sobs.
(d) She brings an illicit flask.

2. What does Knapp talk with her therapist about?
(a) Money.
(b) Drinking.
(c) Julian.
(d) Her parents.

3. How does drinking change for Knapp after her mother dies?
(a) She becomes desperate.
(b) She resolves to quit.
(c) She fights more with Julian.
(d) She is never sober.

4. What frightens Knapp at rehab?
(a) The long days.
(b) The relapsers.
(c) The long nights.
(d) The crack addicts.

5. What is unique about the night Knapp went to the AA meeting?
(a) It is the night she gets back in touch with her family after five years.
(b) It is the only night in the next five years that she abstains from drinking.
(c) It is the night she decides to go to rehab.
(d) It is the last time she touched a drop of alcohol.

6. How does Julian treat Knapp after they move in together?
(a) He lists her flaws.
(b) He straightens her out.
(c) He abuses her.
(d) He adores everything about her.

7. How did Knapp's alcoholism relate to her bulimia and anorexia?
(a) It became a trigger.
(b) They all combined to feed a compulsive need for love.
(c) It became a substition.
(d) It took the edge off.

8. How are drinking and anorexia the same for Knapp?
(a) They both make her feel fulfilled.
(b) They both keep her from discovering her true feelings.
(c) They both helped her express herself.
(d) They both show her her true worth.

9. What does the brain do in response to this chemical being released?
(a) Slow down for as long as the chemical is in the system.
(b) Convert sugar into fat.
(c) Build up resistance to the chemical.
(d) Work overtime to decrease the chemical.

10. What happens when Tess wakes up in the morning, as Knapp tells the story?
(a) She puts on her clothes and calls the police.
(b) She did not know where she was.
(c) She gathers her things and leaves the hotel.
(d) She wakes up in the hospital.

11. How does Knapp's friend Abby realize that she is an alcoholic?
(a) She lost her job.
(b) She crashed her car.
(c) She is raped.
(d) Her husband left her.

12. What does Knapp expect of Julian when she meets him?
(a) He is going to make her a better person.
(b) He is going to make drinking fun again.
(c) He is going to understand her completely.
(d) He is going to force her to stop drinking.

13. How does Knapp feel at rehab?
(a) Listless.
(b) Worthless.
(c) Depressed.
(d) Elated.

14. What was Knapp's logic about drinking?
(a) It was a good form of revenge against her family and the world.
(b) She was an alcoholic and couldn't help herself.
(c) Nothing bad happened, so why stop?
(d) It wasn't hurting anyone but herself.

15. What sensation does the chemical that the brain releases create?
(a) Exaltation.
(b) Calm.
(c) Pleasure.
(d) Paranoia.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Knapp express her feelings to Julian?

2. How does Knapp say alcohol is seen in some circles?

3. How does Knapp feel as she loses weight?

4. How does Knapp feel after she and Michael sleep together for the first time?

5. What motivates Knapp to stay sober?

(see the answer keys)

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