Dreams of My Russian Summers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dreams of My Russian Summers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the narrator's dad begin doing?
(a) Watching television all the time.
(b) Disappearing for hours at a time.
(c) Sleeping on the couch.
(d) Walking in the park for hours each day.

2. What does the narrator succeed in imagining?
(a) Living in France.
(b) The breasts of a homeless woman he once sees.
(c) Joining his sister in Leningrad.
(d) Becoming a famous writer.

3. Where does the narrator seek shelter when it begins to rain?
(a) Under a rock ledge.
(b) A family tomb.
(c) Under an overpass.
(d) Under a large sycamore.

4. Where has the narrator's older sister gone?
(a) To Moscow.
(b) To Leningrad.
(c) To England.
(d) To France.

5. Who is shocked when the young, French boy does as he promises?
(a) The soldiers.
(b) His mother.
(c) His teachers.
(d) The executioner.

6. What does the narrator temporarily call home?
(a) A clearing in a dense woods.
(b) A bathroom stall in the train station.
(c) A tomb.
(d) A bathroom stall in the Paris airport.

7. What does the narrator believe about the soldiers he watches?
(a) They were coerced into the military.
(b) They join the military seeking honor.
(c) They join the military seeking redemption.
(d) No outside thoughts can penetrate their minds.

8. To what does the narrator become attracted?
(a) The idea of moving to the United States.
(b) Communism.
(c) A girl with russet-colored hair.
(d) A blond-haired older woman.

9. Why does the narrator lie to Pashka?
(a) To appear more knowledgeable.
(b) To placate Pashka.
(c) The narrator does not lie.
(d) To convince Pashka to do something for the narrator.

10. Of what does Pashka become jealous?
(a) A mechanic who steals his girlfriend.
(b) The newest math whiz in school.
(c) A soldier who steals his girlfriend.
(d) The narrator.

11. Why is the young woman given a few months of respite?
(a) She is ill with Tuberculosis.
(b) She knows the head of the KGB in that area.
(c) She is the mistress of the captain of the police.
(d) She gives birth.

12. With whom does the narrator make love?
(a) The girl with the russet-colored hair.
(b) The blond-haired girl.
(c) No one.
(d) The prostitute the soldiers had engaged.

13. How does the narrator insult his dance partner?
(a) Being too intimate with her.
(b) Letting the school bully cut in on a dance.
(c) Telling her he like her straight hair better than the curls she now sports.
(d) Telling her she needs more make-up.

14. What does the narrator do upon returning to Russia?
(a) Applies for a job with the University
(b) Joins the military.
(c) Reads books on France.
(d) Starts the process of obtaining French citizenship.

15. Who comes home from boarding school?
(a) The narrator's sister.
(b) The narrator's best friend's sister.
(c) No one.
(d) The narrator's neighbor's daughter.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the narrator surpass Charlotte?

2. What are the tekhnars?

3. Who is the one person who is kind to the narrator at school?

4. What is the narrator learning with his class?

5. To what does Charlotte compare people who die?

(see the answer keys)

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